Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Fam

My mom is in town so it's been busy. Rushing from work to her hotel, dinner, to my place, back to the hotel, back to my place, you get the picture. Tomorrow she and her boyfriend check out of the hotel and spend the rest of the trip at my place, which will make it easier. We have our Chicago Ghost Tour tonight and I'm totally psyched! I've wanted to go on this forever, but couldn't ever find anyone that would go with me! I think we are hitting up the The Art Institute of Chicago tomorrow...yeah, I got the day off...which is another thing I've been meaning to do for the past 5 years! Then it will be off to the grocery store to stock up for the Thanksgiving Day Feast!

Received a funny phone call from mom this morning. It seems they went to the Corner Bakery across from their hotel and lo and behold, there was Jerry Springer getting his morning dose of caffeination! Thank goodness I wasn't with them because I would have been absolutely mortified by what happened next...my mom's boyfriend went up to him and asked for his autograph! You can tell he doesn't travel much... :) So, they are excited to have had a Chicago "celebrity" sighting and I'm sure nothing I do from here on out can beat out that moment! Damn that Jerry Springer!!!


Anonymous said...

Did he get it? What a fun story. Happy Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...
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