Tuesday, July 29, 2008

HYC & Big Decision

I completed Week 2 of the Push Ups Challenge, but I know I'm not ready to move on. I can still only do 9 push ups in a row! How embarrassing is that?! Now, the question is do I redo Week 2 from the level I was at, or the level I am now? Hmmm...

I think I've made a big decision. I don't think I'm going to run the marathon this year. for many reason (some my own fault, some not) I'm gotten way off schedule with the running. With only 2 months left, I feel like I'd be in panic mode trying to catch up. That's not how I want the marathon to feel. I want it to be fun. Exciting. Happy. Right now, I feel like it would only be a burden.

I still want to run. And keep running. Then, when I'm ready to try again, I'll have a really good base to start from. I've also got a lot of other things I'm focusing on right now and without the pressure of all these runs I HAVE to do, I can work on those too. I just feel that this is the right decision for now. Come October, I hope I'll still feel okay with it!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

HYC Check In

I'm going to start this off with a great quote I read this morning:

"The only person with us our entire life is ourself"

That struck a chord in me. I have to remember to make myself happy and stop trying to please everyone else. Stop trying to avoid the drama if it just means that its suffocating me cuz I can't let it out. And most of all, stop spending my time doing what everyone else wants me to do!

So, for the check in...did Day 1 of Week 2 of the Push Ups Challenge. It was tough. Not sure why...I'm gonna blame it on the short rest period between sets. I could only max to 5 on my final set. That was a little bit of a downer! But I did it!

Tonight, I must run! It is not up for debate...although my mind will try. I must not give in. The weather is beautiful and I know I will feel better when its over. I just wish I had remembered to shave my legs this morning... :)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Half Success

Looking at my goals last week, I did good in every area except the one that is the most important right now...running! What is going on with me?

I completed Week 1 of the Hundred Push Ups Challenge and am ready to actually attempt Week 2! I'm pretty excited about that. The biggest change I've noticed (besides being able to do more!) is that I can usually manged to push a few extra out at the end of the set. Unlike the first time I tried them where I seemed to be doing fine on one and then straight couldn't even make it up on the next.

I'm about to do my Pilates here in a moment and that will make twice this week. Yay!

This week is forecasted to be much cooler than the previous few so hopefully, that will be just what I need. Plus, I've been helping my friend move, get situated, prepare for his daughter's birthday party and a bunch of stuff. That has taken time and energy and I let it get in the way of running. The party was yesterday and it was exhausting! He lives on the top floor of his three-flat and I don't know how many times I ran up and down those stairs! At first in tennis shoes (prep), then in heels (during the party), then back in tennis shoes (clean up)! My quads were a little sore this morning, believe it or not! At least it was some exercise!

So, I think I keep the same goals I had last week and try to repeat since it didn't go so back this week! :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Magic Number 6!

Oh yeah, baby! I just maxed out my final set of push ups at 6! Read it and weep!!!

Really though, that is a record for me! Not only have I never done 6 in a row, but I never expected to get there on my last set! And let me tell you...I had to work for the last one! That is good progress though and makes me excited for the next round.

Somehow, I seem to be subconsciously sabbotaging my running this week. First there was yesterday where I forgot to bring my running clothes to work. Then there is today where I brought my clothes, then decided to bring them home to run, but managed to forget my shoes at work! What is going on here?! This is really not good. At all. Shoot me now.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

HYC Check In

I'm feeling really good right now...except for the fact that about 20 minutes ago it hit me that I forgot to pack my running clothes and bring them to work. Seeing as it is supposed to be in the 90's today, an outdoor run is gonna be tough. But, now I guess I have no choice!

I did my push ups last night and I swear, they are not getting any easier! If anything, I think I'm getting worse at them...is that possible?!

Got up this morning and did my Pilates DVD. I had a very curious bunny spying on me most of the time. Anything on the floor is fair game for her and she seemed very interested in why I was down there. By the time I got to the leg part, she was all over me and I almost kicked her more than a few times! I forgot how the ab part of that DVD is no joke! Near the end, I had to give up and skip one of the exercises! And this was only the 20 minute version! There was a point in time where I could make it through the full length one with no problems...I guess in time!

I feel chubbier than ever, and I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Oh well! At least I'm being healthy! :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Off to a Bad Start!

Um, that 15 miles I was talking about knocking out yesterday...um, that didn't happen. I barely even attempted to make it happen. I crashed at my friend's house and pretty much slept in until 11am! Then we went to "breakfast" and by then the afternoon was half over. The thought of running it in the evening didn't even cross my mind...and if it had, I'm not sure I would have been motivated to do it anyway! Bad girl!!

So...let's change that goal to 15 miles THIS Saturday! Yeah!

Completely off-topic, but have you ever encountered those people that insist on talking on their cell phone in a public restroom? While on the toilet?! I admit, I do it at home...but that is AT HOME! And I usually give the person advance warning about what is about to happen, then give them the option :) Now, I work at a college with lots little young things and they have no shame! Like its not annoying enough to listen to someone's cell phone conversation in a small enclosed area...now I can't even have any reprive in the bathroom?! Come on, ladies!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

This Week's Goals

Since making secret little goals in my head seems to do nothing for me, here is what I'd like to accomplish this week:

  • Successfully repeat Week 1 of the Hundred Push Ups Challenge. Someone told me that real push ups are done with your fingers together versus spread out (which is how I was doing it) and let me tell you, something as small as finger position makes a HUGE difference! They feel a ton harder, so I'm giving in and repeating Week 1 before moving on!
  • Get in ALL my training runs. I will not avoid the treadmill if the temps make outdoor running a bad idea. I will try my best to wake up early and get it done in the morning. And most of all, I will do the runs on the days they are scheduled so I'm not cramming them all together in an attempt to make up for lost time!
  • I will cover the total mileage on my 15 miler tomorrow. Due to my lack of running recently, I highly doubt that I can do this distance running the whole way. BUT, I WILL get the mileage covered even if it means walking parts. No more just stopping and heading back when I run out of steam!
  • Here comes the broken record goal: I will do my pilates DVD!!! Dammit, I VOW to get this done twice this week! Eating all this protein doesn't do much good if I'm not workin' the muscles!

There! I think that is a pretty good list! Nothing too crazy. Everything should be very much accomplishable ( is that even a word??)...but, you know me! We'll see...

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Tired Morning!

Yesterday I got up at 5:30, ate some breakfast and was out the door for an easy 3+ miler by 6:15. I felt pretty good, the weather was fantastic and I rewarded myself at the end by cooling down with a walk to Starbucks :) Having a gift card that fits in your pocket and doesn't absorb sweat like paper bills do is great! The big shock came when I didn't have my usual afternoon "pooped out" moment that always happens when I do a morning run. I felt pretty energized all day!

I forgot to do my pushups yesterday and then meant to do them this morning...but, you know, I forgot that too! I also woke up again at 5:30 in hopes of a repeat performance. Instead, I somehow managed to fall back to sleep on the couch (yes, empty bowl of cereal next to me, Weather Channel on the TV) and didn't wake up until 8am! I'm not sure I've ever put myself together so quickly in my life! And even look pretty cute today, if I do say so myself! :)

I brought my running stuff to use the treadmill after work, but I'm already dreading it. Wasn't it just a few short months ago that I was dreading running outside because I was so used to the treadmill? What is going on? But that is the age old question, isn't it? To treadmill or not to treadmill?

Push ups will also have to be done tonight, but I'll admit that Jess's experience with the Challenge is freaking me out a little!

I went to GNC yesterday in hopes of finding my good ol' faithful protein shake, but they were out of stock. Boo! :( I'll try to make it to a different one after work. I'm hopign this protein boost will do the trick and help me shed a few pounds. My knees will be very happy!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

HYC Check In

I would really like to think that I'm going to make some serious changes this week. I am aiming to add a little more protein to my diet and get back into the workout groove. That week off made me lazy and unmotivated! I started the Push Ups Challenge over again last night and managed to max my last set at 5...that is one up from the first time I tried to max out that set! I think that is a good thing!

Tonight will be a simple 30 minute run...we'll see how motivated I am when I step out into these hot and humid temperatures! But, the show must go on...and that, folks, means that I must get my butt a movin'!

Oh! After my Garmin konking out on me not once, but TWICE, I took it down to the Garmin Store this weekend and found there was a software update for it that is supposed to fix that very glitch! I downloaded it, but since it didn't do it every run, I'll just have to cross my fingers that is it fixed. I have 15 miles as my long run this weekend and I'm scared sh*tless! I haven't run anything even remotely close to that in at least 6 weeks. The warm weather comes and all my success goes right down the drain! That stinks!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Hello Again!

Wow...I can't believe I haven't written in so long...even if it is for a good reason! I won't go into the details of my trip home since no one (including me!) wants to relive the funeral and whatnot. I will say that it was a beautiful service and if we must say good-bye to someone so young, it was a wonderful way to have done it. Although, I may have been the most teary-eyed person there!

Got a chance to see my friends and meet my girl's 3 1/2 month old daughter. Too cute! Other than that, it was low key. Time to be with family and available to help out where ever I could. I managed to get in a 7 mile run, but that was it. Pretty disappointing, if I do say so myself! But, I have high hopes for a comeback!

I'd like to run 9 miles tomorrow, but 11 would be ideal. We'll have to see what my body is up for after all this laziness. I've been sleeping way too late every day that I've been back and that can only lead to big trouble come Monday morning! Tomorrow's run will at least force me to get up and beat the heat!

I think I'm going to try a few new things with my diet and also try to really incorporate some weight training. My push ups never got done while I was home, so I'll be starting back at Day 1 tomorrow :( Yipee! Fingers crossed that I'll find a little dedication and implement some of the things swimming around in this noggin!