Sunday, November 11, 2007


Well, due to my back issues, I haven't been able to execute my plan as I had hoped. Mostly I've just been walking because it's the only thing that doesn't make me feel like I'm doing further harm. Yesterday, I was attempting to clear out my kitchen to make room for the kitchen table I finally bought and just that minimal amount of bending and lifting made my back worse! I am so completely frustrated right now! I'm making an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to make due as best I can for now!

I still have a ton more to get done before my mom arrives on Saturday. The house needs a full swiffering to remove all the dust bunnies...and they are really dust bunnies, my bunny sheds all over! Dishes need to be done. Bedding needs to be changed. Bathroom can always use a once over. Augh! And my back is not going to make any of this easier :(

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