Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Portland Marathon is official

I know, I know...where have I been? The holidays and some changes at work have already got me stressed out and busy! I had my mom in town for Turkey Day and that limited my free time. Then right after the holiday I asked to be considered for a management position here at the office and...I got it! So, now I've been ridiculously busy trying to keep up with my accounting responisbilities while picking up the slack for the manager who walked out on us last month. Yes, the official transfer won't be until 1/1/08, but somehow I'm already responsible for duties over there. So, its been hectic!

But, the real news is that I just (like seriously JUST) official signed up for the 2008 Portland Marathon. It is no longer just a thought or good idea. It is real. I cannot wait!!!!! Just 10 months to go... :p

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Fam

My mom is in town so it's been busy. Rushing from work to her hotel, dinner, to my place, back to the hotel, back to my place, you get the picture. Tomorrow she and her boyfriend check out of the hotel and spend the rest of the trip at my place, which will make it easier. We have our Chicago Ghost Tour tonight and I'm totally psyched! I've wanted to go on this forever, but couldn't ever find anyone that would go with me! I think we are hitting up the The Art Institute of Chicago tomorrow...yeah, I got the day off...which is another thing I've been meaning to do for the past 5 years! Then it will be off to the grocery store to stock up for the Thanksgiving Day Feast!

Received a funny phone call from mom this morning. It seems they went to the Corner Bakery across from their hotel and lo and behold, there was Jerry Springer getting his morning dose of caffeination! Thank goodness I wasn't with them because I would have been absolutely mortified by what happened next...my mom's boyfriend went up to him and asked for his autograph! You can tell he doesn't travel much... :) So, they are excited to have had a Chicago "celebrity" sighting and I'm sure nothing I do from here on out can beat out that moment! Damn that Jerry Springer!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Plan B

No, not the emergency contraception... Went over the x-rays with the Doc and things are pretty not good. My lower spine is curving left, probably from that heavy bag I tote around with me all the time on my right shoulder. To make up for it, my body has curved my spine to the right up by my neck...nature's crazy version of "balance", if you will. So yeah, my spine is an "S". Great. Then there is my neck. This should be curved. Nice smooth curve from the top of my spine to my skull...but no. Mine is straight as an arrow. I kid you not. Why me?!!!

Treatment: I had electric stimulation (like a tingle that makes the muscle spasm) treatment and then an adjustment...which was the most unnerving experience EVER, let me tell you! Nothing like thinking someone is about to snap your head off and hearing 10 popping bones all at once! I have to have adjustments 3 times a week for the next 4-6 weeks, then we'll do a re-evaluation and see if things are straightening out...HA! Get it? Straightening out? Okay, yeah.

Running is not exactly on my chiropractor's top list of things to help my back :) Shocking, I know. So, I'm walking. A lot. It's pretty much getting boring, but it's the best option I've got at the moment. My mom will be arriving on Saturday so at least I'll have a walking buddy for a week. I'm trying to convince her to walk the Turkey Trot with me, but with the temps dropping, she is not ready to give in.

I may try to work on just strengthening my lower body as best I can in the weight department. I'll keep walking and maybe even try to jog some intervals. Mostly, I just don't want to reaggrevate this muscle...or nerve...or whatever the Doc said it was. Just when I'm ready to give it another go, something always comes up! I need to find a routine before the holidays come and I get totally sidetracked!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Oh yeah...

I forgot to mention I went to the chiropractor today about my back...he told me lots of interesting things, including that one of my ribs is out of place! We took x-rays and I go back tomorrow to get the final verdict and if treatment will help...I'll keep ya posted!


Well, the kitchen table it together and ready for Turkey Day!

Here it is in full:

Full Table

With one leaf up:

One Leaf

And finally, no leaf:


It's perfect for my kitchen...it can take up as much or as little room as I need!

While my friend was putting it together, I was testing some of the Christmas cookie recipes. Here is how the Oatmeal w/ White Chips & Cranberry turned out:

Oatmeal Cookies

And just for cuteness, here are the cupcakes I made for Halloween:

Vampire Cupcake

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Well, due to my back issues, I haven't been able to execute my plan as I had hoped. Mostly I've just been walking because it's the only thing that doesn't make me feel like I'm doing further harm. Yesterday, I was attempting to clear out my kitchen to make room for the kitchen table I finally bought and just that minimal amount of bending and lifting made my back worse! I am so completely frustrated right now! I'm making an appointment with a chiropractor tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to make due as best I can for now!

I still have a ton more to get done before my mom arrives on Saturday. The house needs a full swiffering to remove all the dust bunnies...and they are really dust bunnies, my bunny sheds all over! Dishes need to be done. Bedding needs to be changed. Bathroom can always use a once over. Augh! And my back is not going to make any of this easier :(

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Completely Off-Topic :)

So, in order to save my sanity, I've been planning my annual bake-a-thon list of cookies for Christmas. I know, I know, a little early for Christmas stuff. But you learn from experience that it is never too early to plan when you are baking 50 or so dozen cookies! I need a little feedback on my line-up so far... My goal is to have a diverse group of goodies that will appeal to the masses. Honestly, of the first 7 cookies I picked out, 4 were based around chocolate. That is not diverse :) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE chocolate, but there had to be some changes. Here is where I'm at right now. Let me know what you think!
  • Lemon Sandwich Cookies - lemon butter cookies sandwiched with lemon filling
  • Rum Balls - Chocolate and liquor...what could be a better combo?! An assortment rolled in either nuts, cocoa or powdered sugar.
  • Oatmeal Cookies w/ Cranberries & White Chocolate Chips - This was a boring ol' oatmeal cookie until I decided it would be festive to add a little red and white!
  • Chocolate Mint Cookies - A chocolate cookies with a chocolate mint ganache.
  • Chewy Coconut Cookies - Well, I guess the title says it all. This was an attempt to find something a little different than the norm.
  • Peanut Butter Temptations - A peanut butter cookies with a mini Reese's cup shoved in the middle :) Mmmmmmmmmm...
  • Russian Tea Cakes - A nice little shortbread type cookie w/ nuts and rolled in powdered sugar.

So, that's it right now. I think it's pretty diverse at this point, but not sure they appeal to the masses. Give me your thoughts so I get in the test kitchen! Yum!

To Trot or Not To Trot?

My friend came up with the glorious idea to do the Turkey Trot this year. I was all for it, but had to check with my mom first since she will be here in town on Turkey Day. She said it was okay if I ducked out for the morning and said that maybe if it wasn't too cold...we are from Oregon where anything below 50 is intolerable :) ...she would come out and walk it! I was excited! I kept on checking back with my friend to see when we were gonna register and he kept saying soon...soon...soon...until one day he said, I don't think I can do it. What?! I already checked with mom!!!! Dammit!

So, I wrote off the Turkey Trot. But now, I'm kind of thinking, why shouldn't I do it? I've done all my other races by myself...what is one more? Granted, I haven't been running and I have no cold weather gear, but so what? It couldn't hurt to burn a few calories before the Big Chow Down! Maybe I'll even just drag my mom out there and we can walk it together. I'm kind of getting pumped just writing this...I need to call mom again :)

Monday, November 05, 2007


So, I think I've finally committed to some decisions. I will run the Portland Marathon in 2008. It is one week before the Chicago marathon so I can still train with everyone here or with a sponsored group. I'm excited about it. Excited to run for the hometown crowd. My friend may even do it with me which would make it that much more fun. Now, if I can just convince some of my girls back home to do it too! Sonja, you are gonna need a good goal to lose that baby weight ;)

I've also decided that I can't soley focus on running right now. For one, it has still left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth and I can't stop dreading it! Second, I can't afford to buy gear fit to run in the harsh Chicago winter weather and clocking miles and miles on the treadmill is not tolerable! So, today I will start my weight training and do some cardio. Too bad I pulled that muscle in my neck and back again (it happens at least a couple times a year) and I'll probably have to stick to lower body work until it is better. And I probably ought to seek out a chiropractor to figure out why this keeps happening! BTW, my weight has finally stabilized. No, not gone down, but at least stopped going up! I've never seen it this stubborn in my life and it totally has me freaked! If this new regime doesn't jump start it, I don't know what I'm going to do!

Finally, I need to find a new job. It has been a long time coming, but it finally hit me that I just can't do it anymore. I don't like the direction our corporate office is taking us, there is no room to move up here, I'm underpaid and I think I'm actually hurting myself by not gaining more experience at the management level after all these years. It will be hard to leave these people, but I need to be farther along in my career than this. I should be in management or at least have full accounting close responsibilities. Don't get me wrong...I've been promised these responsibilities during my reviews for the past 2 years...but they never happen. I can't keep waiting. I'm bored and gaining nothing by staying here. Let the job search begin! Time to call the headhunters!

So, yeah, basically I'm bored and ready for change. I'm tired of the days all blurring together!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lazy...and busy :)

Why is running always on the bottom of my to do list these days? I hate it, but at the same time, it's never enough for me to squeeze it in! Dang me! Here is my current week:

Monday - Packers in Monday Night Football, had to get home in time!
Tuesday - Had to bake cupcakes for the Halloween Potluck, buy decorations for it and rent a horror flick to play during. Yeah, it's great being the Chairperson (Ahem...sole member...) of the Social Committee at work!
Wednesday - Halloween! And got had to drop a friend off home on the way back from work and I didn't make it in the door until 8pm.

As I've said a million times, tomorrow is it! I'm gonna be good! I swear!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Boo on me!

I altered my workout plan last night and it totally back-fired on me! Of course, I was planning to continue my easing on in to my workouts in the gym upstairs with a little 30 minutes on the elliptical and treadmill again. But then my friend called and wanted me to meet him over on Michigan Ave. He was having dinner with his family up north when he called so I figured that gave me plenty of time until I had to meet him.

So, I decided to skip the gym and I'd walk all the way to Michigan (I work in the Loop)...go even farther north than where I had to meet him so I could pick up a few things and then circle back around to him. Figured it be at least a solid 30 minutes of walking.

Well, I headed out and within just a few blocks, I got sidetracked by a performance in Daley Plaza. Strike 1. I suck! But it was really cool...they were jump roping and flipping and doing all kinds of fun stuff! So, I stood and watched for about 10 minutes then got back on track. I realized I was starving, but I didn't want to eat anything big before dinner. Once I was across the river, I saw a Starbucks and headed on in to get a little sumthin' sumthin' in my belly. Strike 2.

I decide to call my friend to see how far out he is so that I can figure out how far off-course I can venture before I have to turn back. Turns out he drove down to Michigan Ave in rush hour traffic can was already there! Who the hell would have guessed?! So, I quickly walked to meet him and that was it. Strike 3. He gave me a ride home so I didn't even get in my usual 3/4 mile walk from the train to my house! I swear I had good intentions when I decided to skip the gym! I really, really did! Now I just feel guilty... :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007


The workout yesterday sucked! Why? Because it was hard and it shouldn't have been! Augh! I hate that! I'm easing myself back in so I already knew I was only planning on spending about 30 minutes in there. I started on the Elliptical...but it was the Precor type, with elevation control, not the regular elliptical machines you see more often now. It has been years since I did the eleveation type. And it kicked my butt! I did only 15 minutes and I was sweating and needing to seriously get off before I got completely discouraged! So, I moved to the treadmill...to run, you ask? Nope! I walked. I walked for 20 minutes and was out of there. I wasn't joking when I said I was easing in to this, huh?! But hey, I had dinner plans, okay?!

My ultimate goal for the weeks in the off-season would be something like this:
  • Run 3 times per week, twice during the week for 30 - 40 minutes, once on the weekend for a longer run of 5 - 8 miles. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage that through the winter months, but I'll have to get creative! Your suggestions would be gladly accepted!
  • On weekday running days, also do pilates DVD. Yes, I bought the Windsor Pilates a couple years ago and it kicks ass! At first you can't even make it though the 20 minute workout! Once I mastered that, I still could never make it all the way through the longer one!
  • Cross-train twice a week. Do anything I please (that isn't running) for at least 30 minutes. The biggest challenge I think will be making sure I'm doing different things...not just one activity over and over. But this has the potential to be fun!
  • On cross-train days, do a total body strength training circuit. I love lifting! If lifting burned fat the way that cardio does, I'd be 20lbs lighter! I'm going to have to make sure that I don't get carried away with this...just hit the major muscle groups twice a week. No need to gain lots of ground in the muscle department. I love watching the amount I can lift go higher and higher, but that isn't necessary right now...just have to concentrate on keeping my body strong and balanced.

That's the plan. Will it happen? Who knows! I'm going to gradually start working each piece in so that I don't burn out by next week! Right now, the focus is just getting used to doing physical activity again on a regular basis...since I've been pretty much the Queen Lazy-Ass for the past couple of months. I guess I thought I earned it or something from all that running...all I seemed to really have earned is about 6 pounds!

I'm excited...I need you all to hold me accountable though. Maybe I'll create some kind of log I can post weekly or something to show how its progressing. Hey...that is a mighty fine idea, Nicole!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I'm nervous

Well...I'll be honest here...since, you know, honesty is good. I haven't run a single step since the marathon. I think I was a little mentally defeated. Everytime I think about lacing up, I just get this feeling of dread about how uncomfortable running will be...cuz, you know, the last time I ran was in awful, yucky conditions. I can't seem to shake the experience from my mind.

Yesterday, I took the first step and joined the gym that opened up in my office building...and that gave us an absolutely ridiculous rate! There was no excuse not to sign up! It's small and well, honestly, the potential that one of my co-workers may see me naked in the locker room scares the bejesus out of me! But, overall, its a great situation. I can lift weights during lunch and then get cardio in right after work. Which means I can get a full workout in without getting home at 9pm! This is very, very good!

I packed up all my workout gear this morning and then almost walked out the door without it :) That's how long its been since I went to a gym straight from work! But, I'm excited to get going again, this time with new goals in mind. And I'm nervous that its going to suck and I'm going to hate it. I guess only time will tell...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Portland 2008

I admit it...I'm not quite over the fact that Pinkowsky couldn't acknowledge an iota of blame for the Chicago "Fun Run" debacle! So, I think I've figured out a way to turn my sour feelings around. I'm going to run the Portland Marathon in 2008 instead of the Chicago again. Portland is my hometown and I'd love to have all my family and friends on hand to cheer me on! The two races are only scheduled a week apart so I could still train with a Chicago group next summer without getting off track!

This idea has totally got me psyched to get my butt back in gear! Now, I just have to figure out how to keep it in gear over the winter...do I really have to have daily meetings with the dreadmill? I see no other way! At least the off-season will give me time to work on strength training and I'll be sure to cross train so I don't burn out on running like I did this summer. I want to start the next training season in 5 times a better place than I was this year! I hope I stay this excited when I have to hit the gym later... :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Vegan Baking

Sunday begins the official start of the vegan baking experiment. My friend and I have been talking for months and months (and months!) about opening a cafe/bakery specializing in vegan, organic, gluten-free, etc items and yet it's always been just talk. But not anymore! This weekend we have officially scheduled a date to get down to the nitty-gritty and see how tough this vegan baking can be! On the menu:

Carrot Cake Cupcakes w/ Vegan Cream Cheese Frosting
Green Tea Cupcakes w/ Green Tea Glaze & Almond Flowers
Cinnamon Scones w/ Cinnamon Icing

I've been excited all week! I don't know how I'll make it to Sunday without exploding! I love to bake and I love a challenge, so I can't wait to see what is going to happen! I'll post pics (if I remember the camera) when we get going! Now if only we could find some taste testers... :p

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Post Marathon Weight Gain???

Okay, so I'm writing about this here in hopes that someone will raise their hand and say this is completely normal! Basically, since I cut back (and eventually completely stopped) my running about 6 to 8 weeks ago, I've been gaining weight at a pretty steady (and fairly scary) rate. Now, at first I thought it was probably due to the fact that I was still "carb loading", yet not "carb burning"...aka running :) Therefore, I wasn't alarmed in the least bit when I saw the needle on the scale move up a couple notches.

About 3 weeks ago, I finally came back to reality and started eating like a normal human being. Stopped eating lunch out every day. Cut back on all the pasta I'd been loving so much. Basically, got back to the way I was eating before I started all the training. Well, since then...I've managed to gain even more weight!!! Now I'm freaked out!

Please, someone tell me this is some normal whacked out reaction of my metabolism from not running anymore! Tell me that it will regulate soon and things will return to normal! Or do I seriously have some weird hormonal/chemical imbalance I should have checked out by the Doc? And before anyone throws it out there, No, I'm not pregnant :)

Seriously though, if anyone has experienced this or has any insight whatsoever, please let me know! Before my clothes stop fitting! :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

It finally happened...

I seriously pulled a muscle! Not from running, mind you. From bowling! How do you do all that running and never really get too sore and then manage to do yourself in at the bowling alley? This is ludicrous! Or however you spell that!

I wrecked all kinds of havoc on myself out there Friday night! My left hammy is sore, the bridge of my right foot hurts, my right shoulder is tired and I broke a nail! Bowling is dangerous. I think there should be warning signs posted around!

All in all, it was a great time though! I've only bowled a few times in my almost 30 years and it was so much fun! Granted, I suck...but who cares! My lone goal was to score over 100. It was not attained :) But, I did manage to increase my score each game! My highest was 93...I won't get into what the first score was! We only bowled 3 games though because, well, that was all we could afford! On a Friday night, it was $38/hour to bowl! We could have gone to the movies for cheaper and longer! When something costs more than a night at the movies, you know there is a problem!

I'll have to be sure to go back...before noon on a weekday. That's when its only $8/hour. Yeah. Right. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A New Kind of Running

So, it's over. Weird. All that time, money, planning, worrying...and just like that, it's over.

No more "scheduled" runs. No more distances I must get to. Freedom.

YES! Now I can just run to run. Run when I feel like it. For as long, far, short, fast, slow as I want. This is going to be great! Time to get back to the basics and remember why I wanted to do this whole marathon thing anyway. I'm actually excited for my first "freedom" run. And let me tell you, I don't get excited to run very often! I'm thinking I may wait for that nice cool, crisp, sunny Saturday coming up. And just run until I stop. It's going to be great.

Monday, October 08, 2007


I didn't realize at the time that I wrote that last blog what had really happened at the marathon. Turns out my decision to stop wasn't so bad after all...they actually canceled the race about a half hour after I had called it a day. Conditions were too hot and they had run out of ambulances to help people who needed it! They straight made people turn around and walk back...I'm glad I did it when I was close to the start area instead of way out west.

The worst part is that race officials are denying that water stations were out of supplies! Can you believe that? What reason so us runners have to lie about it. And how would so many of us have the same story if it were not true? Worst of all, he is blaming the runners for taking TOO MUCH water on a day where the temps were 88 degrees while runners were still going?! Are you kidding me? This race director has absolutely no class! I realize these conditions were off the charts, but please do not lie about what really happened? Canceling the race? I understand why they had to do it. But lying about the water stations? Uncalled for!

And there are some runners saying that they didn't see any stations without water...maybe that would be because they were closer to the front of the pack? Ya think?

I still want to run a marathon, but now I'm not sure that I want to give my money back to the same marathon that is denying their role in the failure of the event. Maybe it would be best to find another city to run it in? I guess I'll get that all figured out in a few months!

Again, to everyone who completed the marathon on that brutal day, my hat goes off to you! You are amazing! And to those family, friends and spectators who brought out water and hoses and whatever else you could find to help us out, you are life savers. Literally! I hope you know how much you helped us all!

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Yes, its official. I Did Not Finish. And I wish I could say I was trucking along with all my might when the course decided I was not fast enough and turned me back, but no. It was me. I made the decision to quit. Ironically, I think it was right where they make the people not clocking a fast enough time turn around...but it turns out that was quite a bit after I passed that mark.

So, why did I give up? Well, first of all, it was hot as hell. And then, de ja vu, the water stations ran out of water! Seriously, you have people running a marathon in 80+ degree weather and you don't have a back up plan for water stations running out?! Ridiculous! But most of all, my feet hurt...bad. Those ugly, nasty calluses I developed during training and that I hated so much because they kept me from being able to wear all my cute summer shoes...turns out they were there for a reason. They have almost fully gone away during my lack of training here at the end and I paid the price for that today. My feet were killing me.

I got to the half way point and I said to myself, "Self, is it worth it? Is it worth the suffering you are about to endure for at least another two and a half hours to get that medal?" And the answer was no. So, I veered off course and headed back to Grant Park. Defeated.

Am I upset? Not really so much, surprisingly. Even though I really was hoping to finish today, I think I'd already written it off way back in my mind somewhere. I truly do not feel bad. I wish I had the 30th anniversary medal instead of one I'll get in the future (Because I will keep trying until I beat this thing!), but other than that, I'm really kind of happy I'm not still out there...dying. To everyone who did finish...I commend you tremendously! It was not pretty out there and you didn't even let it phase you! You are my hero!

I guess this means this blog is not over yet...on to the 2008 Chicago Marathon!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

This is it

Right after I write this, I'm going to go to bed. I'm going to wake up way too early and head out into the heat. I'm going to run the marathon. In 88 degree highs. I'm not even sure of my strategy at this point, but I know I will be out there. And I will do whatever I can to make sure I cross that finish line. This is it.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Big sigh...

My lack of blogging is primarily due to fear. Fear of the marathon. Yes, kids, its finally here. Sunday to be exact.

At first I was scared because the most I've run any given week for the last 6 is twice. Yeah, burnout is a bitch. But, I figured I'd just go out on marathon day and have a good time. Run, jog, walk, skip, whatever. Enjoy the crowd and have fun, ya know? No big deal.

Well, there is a new fear brewing...the weather is forecasted to be 88 and sunny that day! What the hell? Did someone forget to tell them this is October? In Chicago? Yeah, we are talking we are about to break a record high. Seriously. Now, I'm thinking its not going to be fun no matter what. Being under trained and having heat stroke? That I may not be able to convince myself to suffer through?

So, now, I don't even know what to do. Great.

Friday, September 28, 2007

27th Mile Celebration!

Marathoners, listen up!

Running Jayhawk is so graciously organizing a post marathon brew fest! Come out to relax and unwind from your amazing feat! Please leave a note in my comments or Jayhawk's if you want to come so she can reserve enough space for us all! Here are the details:

Who? YOU!
What? The 27th Mile Celebration...RBF Meet Up...Post-Race Celebration
When? Sunday. 10/7 at 6:30
Where? Garrett Ripley
Why? Because you just ran 26.2 miles, want to meet some RBFers, will need a drink, and can unload your tales of blisters and trots and walls to people who actually understand :)

Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Think Success!

I was talking about my intent for the marathon with a co-worker today and she asked me if I had run a 10k race this summer. My response was that not only did I run a 10k, I ran a 10 mile race, a half marathon and multiple other double digit distances on my own! That is when I realized that just because the marathon isn't turning out the way I expected, doesn't mean that I have not been successful this year!

Things have been WAY stressful at work and I think it has just thrown me into an all-around negative state of mind. And I don't want to be that way! I want to be proud of myself for what I accomplished instead of basing everything on what I didn't! So, no more! Marathon or not, I am proud of myself!

My leg is finally feeling some relief, although I suppose that could have something to do with the fact that I haven't been putting it to use much...but whatever! We all have our own versions of therapy, okay?!

I think my running will pick up again when the marathon passes and I have that big ol' gorilla off my back! Until then, positive thoughts...positive thoughts...positive thoughts...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It ain't lookin' good, folks!

I think I've been averaging less than 10 miles a week! Seriously, I do not know what happened! I just suddenly couldn't get myself to run if my life depended on it! I'm truly sad now, whereas before, I didn't really care. The reality of not running this marathon is setting in. And while I hate to say I won't be out there...the thought of suffering through HOURS to get to the finish line is scaring me to death. And of course, I hate to think that this training got the best of me! I hate losing! But is walking who knows how many miles after running who knows how many more really winning? This bites.

On the upside, I've already discussed next year with my potential training buddy and its looking good. I really think that will make a huge difference! I'm obviously not disciplined enough to do it on my own :) Most people seem to run with someone or a group and I guess I just wasn't cut out to make it on my own. Who knows. Maybe I'll just get out there and go as far as I can...and attempt to walk the rest. How long is the course open again? :p

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nothing about running

I usually keep this blog about running...cuz that is what I created it for! It's rare that I go off topic, but here goes...GREEN BAY ROCKS!!!!! That's right, I'm a Packer fan living amongst the enemy! 3-0 Baby!!! Just took down the Chargers and it feels great! That is 7 wins in a row and Brett is breaking all kinds of records...this could be the note for him to finally go out on! I wouldn't want to see him retire after any of the less than stellar seasons we've been having! Go Brett! Go Pack! Yeah!!!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

I was missing out!

I had planned to run last night, but it has been a timing issue with the sun setting earlier these days. I've been running around my neighborhood because I feel safer there in the dark than on the lake front path, but its getting boring and the sidewalk is a bitch on my knees. I really, really wanted to get to the lake front last night, but I couldn't make it work before dark. So, "lightbulb", I get the idea to ride my bike (okay, not MY bike, but the one I borrowed and now claim as my own) to my friend's place (and get at least a little exercise in) and then run in the morning. I pack up all my stuff into a backpack and head out about 8:15pm.

Since it was dark and I had no lights or reflective gear...or helmet...I figured I better stay on the busy, well lit streets. Which meant Ashland. Yeah right, my scaredy cat self was not about to try to ride with traffic on Ashland...its scary enough being in a car! So, I did the unthinkable in Chicago...I rode on the sidewalk! There wasn't hardly any foot traffic so it actually wasn't a problem at all.

Let me tell you how much I truly enjoyed this ride!!! First off, I make this commute fairly often. It's only 4 miles, but with traffic, it can be the most stressful 20 minutes ever! Being on the bike, I could just cruise. No being stuck behind slow pokes or being cut off by a crazy cab driver. It was sooooo relaxing. Plus, you notice stuff you would never notice from your car. There were families sitting on their stoops and all kinds of different music coming from houses and bars. I was so loving the experience! There was a creepy part where I had to ride passed this huge cemetary. Its way different to be outside a car and cruising by in the dark. I had this mantra running through my head, "just look straight ahead, just look straight ahead..." Creepy.

And the best part of all? I didn't have to cruise around the neighborhood for 20 minutes looking for a parking spot! There was absolutely no downside! I can't believe I haven't done this before! I've got to make this a habit! It only took 30 minutes...barely more than it takes to drive...and probably less when you figure in time to park!

And then guess what? I actually ran this morning! Granted, it was only 3 miles because I slept later than I had planned and didn't have time for more, but it was something! Overall, this was a great plan! And I love the bike!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Hit me like a truck...

I woke up this morning and the weirdest thing happened. The first thought in my head was that I don't want to run this marathon! What the?! How do you just wake up one morning and think something like that?

I think I did have a reality check this weekend. I went out Friday night and ran into some friends I hadn't seen for awhile. When they asked me how the training was going, the first thing I said was that I was burnt out. That I just wanted it to be over. I don't think that is the response I'm supposed to be having right now! With less than 3 weeks to go, shouldn't I be excited?! Shouldn't I be telling them that I'm more ready than ever to knock out these 26 miles? That it feels great to be looking towards a taper and resting my body? But that wasn't what I said. I said I was burnt out. Tired. Stressed.

If that is how I feel, how do I expect to get truly rallied and complete this race? I guess at this point, that means this is up in the air. A game time decision. I'm sad about it...and relieved all at the same time. I can think of a number of reason why it didn't work out. And I can think of a thousand solutions if I could do it all over again. But I can't. I am here, 3 weeks from the marathon and severely under-trained. And my knees hurt :)

I've still accomplished a lot this season. I've run father than I ever have before. I've gotten more miles under my belt than I ever imagined at this point in my life. Running became a part of my life again when I was at a point where it was the elliptical trainer or nothing. I've learned about the power of the mind...and the weakness of it. I've learned that my body isn't invincible and I have to learn to work with it and not against it. I've learned that I don't want to do this alone. And that I need the support of my friends and family more than I thought I did. I've learned that Gatorade gives me yucky tummy and Shot Blocs are not the save all :)

Wow...Jon just called me in the middle of writing this and we had an excellent talk about it! Thank you for being a continuous inspiration for me and for always being there to listen to my struggles and have profound words. You help me more than you know and you continue to be my role model in all this!

Bottom line: I don't know what is going to happen on race day. I'm not sure I'm officially ready to concede just yet, but I know that finishing is a long shot. We'll see...

Friday, September 14, 2007

On the move...

The compromise seems to be working...sort of. I've ran twice this week...yeah, I know, ONLY TWICE? But hey, twice is better than none, which is where I've been the last couple of weeks! I plan to run 5 miles tonight and do 10 on Sunday. The runs have been tough for how short the distance is, but I guess that is what happens when you fall off the wagon!

I didn't want to mention this before because I didn't want people to think I was making excuses for my lack of running besides the fact that I just didn't want to. BUT...I think I have once again pulled my IT Band! This little bugger is what stopped me from running the Portland Marathon years ago. I think it happened on my last long run a few weeks back. I didn't run much after that so I was kind of hoping the feeling wouldn't resurface. But after these past couple of runs...It's baaaaack!

It's not necessarily a pain feeling...more of just a "sensation" on the outside of my left leg while I run. There is a definitely point on the outside of my left knee that is feeling weird. It only bothers me when I run and when I walk up stairs. I figure I'll just ignore it until after the marathon and then figure out what to do! Unless it gets bad enough to the point that I'm in pain...that will not do!

I hope my run tonight goes well cuz after that I'm off for a night on the town. Been awhile since I went out and had a good time! Training is a killer on the social life!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Since I can't seem to convince myself to get 100% back into the game, I've struck up a compromise. I'm going to pretty much train to keep myself at my current level of endurance because the thought of suffering through another atrocious really long run just doesn't seem fathomable right now! Suffering through a moderately long run seems much more tolerable. I'm hoping that with the marathon day adrenaline and the fans out there cheering us on, I'll be able to somehow muster the willpower to go farther than I have on my own. And then I'll just split the rest of the distance between running and walking. It won't be pretty, but at least I'll cross the finish line!

Don't worry, I've already got my sights on next year. If I keep my base at what it is, I'll be able to go into the training a little later next year and hopefully not burn out like I have. Plus, I'll be able to focus more on speed and the fun stuff, rather than just suffering through trying to improve my distance. And I've learned a ton about myself and what works so I've got new strategies already planned for next year. Hopefully, I'll have a partner too and that will help tremendously! So, there you have it, folks. Not what I wanted it to be, but I'm gonna make it happen somehow :)

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Always something...

It's always something with this training. I'm now going through a new (and not good) phase. I've been through the "I hate running" phase. The "this is too hard" phase. The "26 miles? You've got to be kidding me" phase. Now, somehow, I've stumbled into a really bad one. The "I don't care" phase.

I'm not really sure how this happened. But suddenly, I just don't care about the marathon. I don't care if I have to walk half of it. I don't care if I don't run between now and Oct. 7th. I just plain don't care :( I'm assuming this is the final burnout phase. Maybe this is the result of begining training so early in the season. Maybe 6 months is too long for me to mentally hold out. I really don't know where it came from and why its there. I'm hoping its over soon.

I ran this morning and it was the first time in a week. It was hard. 4 miles was hard. Critical Mass last Friday really put a strain on my knees and I felt it big time this morning. Note to self: No more Critical Mass until after the marathon! My stride felt very sloppy and uncontrolled. I felt like I'd forgotten how to run. Forgotten all the adjustments I'd made to my form. Forgotten my breathing techniques. It was bad. But the good side was that I got out there and did it. Because I haven't had the willpower to do even that for a week now. Hopefully, this is the start of something good. I had my week off and of not caring and I've got to dig down deep and finish what I've started!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Cross Training, sort of...

This week's running has been non-existent...and by non-existent, I mean NON-EXISTENT! I have not run a single step since my 14-miler! Okay, I'm lying, I did make a little dash out to the car this morning, but that hardly seems like it will help my marathon. For those who do not know, I'm an accountant...and our 2008 budget was due today which meant many late nights at work this week...and in turn, no runs :(

But tonight, I'll be doing something different! I'm doing my first Critical Mass bike ride. I'll admit, this was not my idea. My friend roped me into it and I was only doing it because she asked me to. But now that I have a bike (had to borrow from a friend) and got a few laps up and down the street under my belt (I hadn't ridden a bike since probably my sophomore year in college!), I am totally excited! I don't have a helmet though so that could be scary. Other than that, I can't wait to get out there tonight! So, watch out drivers...we're coming through!!

Monday, August 27, 2007


I really, really wanted to run 15 miles this weekend! But it turned out to be tougher than I thought! I didn't do a very good job of setting myself up for success from the start. My diet and hydration wasn't the greatest the day before and I stayed up too late that night. Therefore, I got out there later than I wanted to and had to endure the punishment of the sun :) Yeah, I'm red-faced today!

On my recent long runs, I've been using the 2 lap strategy. Doing an out and back twice instead of going WAY out and coming WAY back. Yesterday I decided to do just one out and back since I was definitely tiring of the scenery in the current route. First, I just have to say that the destruction to the trees on the lakefront path was incredible! I was driving on Lakeshore Drive during the storm so I saw it was pretty bad, but running passed it all firsthand was a different story!

All was going fairly well until I hit the North Ave to Ohio St stretch. For those of you who don't know, you go from running on this nice tree-lined dirt/sand path to running two long straight aways out in the open, cement, and lots of tourists everywhere getting in your way. It totals a mile and a half before you get back to some sort of non-commercial environment again. Going out was the worst...I felt like I'd been running forever, but the end looked no closer! I hate straight aways! Once I finally got through that part, I started to run into the Chicago Triathlon that was going on. After manuvering through people for a half mile, I gave up and turned around...I was only a half mile short so I figured I'd make it up on the way back. I was definitely getting tired and the sun was beating down on me.

The run back was not as bad mentally because, well, I was running towards being done :) But physically, it was very tough. I took some shot blocs, but they didn't seem to help much. Right before I got to 13 miles, I stopped at a water fountain and had to literally argue with myself to continue. I walked in small circles for at least a minute before I had convinced myself to keep going...at least until the next water fountain. And I did. Then again, I walked for about a minute before convincing myself to get to the 14 mile marker. And I did. And then I convinced myself to keep going...until I got to the slightest of inclines...and then I threw in the towel! So, I made it 14 miles and some change!

I don't want to downplay this run because this is now the farthest distance I've ever run. It was definitely an accomplishment! But I need to be going farther, easier. I need to make this happen. I've got to commit to this...and I don't know why I say this every week and haven't made it happen yet! This is crunch time!

Friday, August 24, 2007

A slight delay

As you may or may not have heard, Chicago got bombarded last night by a HUGE storm. I was stuck on Lake Shore Drive for a good part of it and could hardly see the car in front of me with my wipers on hyperdrive. Trees were down all over the lakefront path. It was crazy! We had to drive through 6-8 inches of standing water more than once and I was having a panic attack! Once we got to my friend's house, we found that a tree was down blocking his entire street! One car was crushed. I've just never since anything like this first hand!

What I'm trying to say here is that running was the farthest thing from my mind last night! Pretty sure there will be no running tonight either, as storms are still in the forecast through tomorrow morning. I might do a short jaunt on the treadmill tonight and push my long run back to Sunday. I wonder what kind of shape the path will be in...how long will it take them to clear all those trees?! Anyway, for you Chicago runners, stay safe out there!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bad Idea!

I had brought all my running clothes to work yesterday so that I could go straight to the lake when I got off. Going home tends to lead to excuses not to go back out :) As I begin changing, I realize that I did not pack all my clothes. No shirt! I knew I didn't want to go home to get one and that there was a spare COTTON T-shirt in my trunk...how bad could it be, right?

Let me paint this picture for you: 6:30pm, sun still up, temp about 85, heat index somewhere in the 90's, me in a cotton shirt. NOT GOOD! Not only was I very quickly drenched in sweat, but that shirt was like a little capsule of heat! I could literally feel the heat trapped between me and it! I tried rolling the sleeves up to my shoulders and it worked for a little bit, but soon even that wasn't enough to keep me cool. I've never been so uncomfortable on a run in my life!! I went 4 miles and called it done. Walked the rest of the way back to the car with a few stints of running since the walk was talking forever!

I didn't want to be a quitter so was determined to head out this morning with the right gear and knock out what I was supposed to last night...Mother Nature had a different plan! A little before 4am, a HUGE storm rolled in and cracked the loudest thunder claps I've ever heard for over an hour. Let's just say that it made for 4 hours of sleep and running was the farthest thing from my mind! So, it looks like I'll end up trying to run in the ridiculous heat again, but at least this time I'll have the right gear on!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I bought a book

I'm not sure what made me start searching for a marathon book...especially since I already have a couple John Bingham books that I've only cracked the first few chapters of...but none the less, I started searching. And whah-la! I think I found one that will be perfect for me! I do realize it is a BIT late in the game to be starting a new training book, but who cares!

The book I found is "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer", its written by two professors who taught a Marathon 101 class at a university. One is a professor in psychology and one is a professor in physical education...perfect combo for marathon help! And they say only one of the 200 students who took their class didn't successfully complete the marathon.

I really think what I'm looking to get out of this book is the psychological help. My mind is my biggest enemy right now...although my legs are a close second! Training schedules are a dime a dozen on the internet, but great skills and ideas for keeping your head in the game are harder to come by.

I've only read the intro so far cuz well, you know, I'm at work and I'm supposed to be working :) But I hope to really dive into it tonight and see what its all about. And maybe I need to looking to the Bingham books sitting on my shelf while I'm at it! I'm still waiting to see John out on the path one of these Saturday mornings...actually, I've probably passed him several times already...I'm not the most observant runner! And to be honest, most of those big training groups piss me off because they are not very considerate to individual runners. Here is a quick rant...

I realize that they are a large group, but that doesn't mean that they own the path! I don't know how many times a group passed me and literally ran me off the path...I was truly surprised at that since it seems that most runners are really supportive of each other. It didn't seem to matter if I was passing them or if they were passing me, they never failed to feel like I needed to be the one to get out of the way. I will add that there was an exception: One group that I kept playing leap frog with due to water stops was really nice and funny. The guys at the back of the pack were totally hilarious and making jokes with me and stuff. That is what I expect from other runners, not the "run me into the grass" stuff I usually see. End rant. :)

Back to the topic at hand...I'll keep you posted on my thoughts about this book. If I decide to run 2008, maybe this can be my guide from the start!

Monday, August 20, 2007

I hate mornings!

I really, really do! My body was still pretty tired from the 13 miles I did on Saturday, but I knew I had to stick to my schedule this week...so I crashed at my friend's pad so that I could wake up early and hit the path running. I went to bed at 11pm and boy did I pass out! That is how beat I still was from that run! Usually, I have a hard time sleeping in a bed other than my own...not last night. My head hit the pillow and it was over!

The alarm went off at 5am and it was still very dark out. That made it very difficult to even grasp the idea of getting out of the bed. At 5:15, I dragged myself to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. Didn't turn on any lights because I was still in some sort of denial about actually being awake. I ate in the dark. I sat and just watched the sky over the lake looking for something that resembled light. I started to pray the huge storm that hung around all night would somehow make its way back. No one would expect me to run in a monsoon...would they? But, that was a no go!

6am, I headed out. Holy Moly! My body was soooo tired! My muscles were screaming for me to stop from the jump! But I knew I just had to power through. The path was DEAD. I ran the whole straight away past the softball fields without a single person in sight! Spent a good part of the run dodging puddles and 4x4ing it through the grass. Maybe that is what kept me distracted and allowed me to go on much easier the farther into the run I got. Once I passed the 5 miles marker, something just happened. I ran that last mile like it was nothing! My speed was up, my movement was smooth, I wasn't winded. It was an excellent way to end the run!

The storm left it very humid out so I was sweating like a pig! But it was a great run for getting up at 5am. I am not a morning runner and I never will be. I hate mornings. I am dreading running tomorrow morning already, but I have to hold onto these small triumphs! And this morning was one.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Second Time is a Charm!

This week's running has been less than stellar. After first claiming that I was more determined than ever to get back on track for the marathon, I dreaded every single run...and to be completely honest, I'm not sure I even made the mileage I set out for on any of them.

So, when I woke up this morning with my long run ahead of me...I pretty much rolled over and went back to sleep. When I finally did get up, I stalled and tried to make up a good excuse to not have to go at all. I mean, on of my ankle's is hurting a little...that's good enough, right?

But no, I went out there. I wanted to complete 13 miles straight without walking to prove to myself that I could do it, but I also told myself I would settle for 12 if I really couldn't do it. Let me tell you! It was by no means easy, but I did the 13 with no walking! That last mile was a shuffle at best and I don't even want to know what the pace was...but I didn't give up. I shuffled my way to the end! I am so proud of myself right now! Even though I'm definitely behind on the training and will surely have to walk portions of the marathon, if I can just keep building, I'll be happy. And right now? Right now I am happy! :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So, it wasn't all bad...

I may have been a little biased after the half when I wrote that last blog. I'm feeling much better now! Actually, I feel like I'm more determined than ever to make this marathon a success!

Here is the awesome medal we got for finishing:

2007 Chicago Distance Classic 002

2007 Chicago Distance Classic 003

And best of all...my number had my name on it! Yeah!!

2007 Chicago Distance Classic 004

So, yeah, maybe it wasn't all bad.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Half

All I got to say right now is, That was ONLY half??? Holy crap. Put a fork in me, I'm done!

Things started off looking great. The hot weather that they had warned us about in an email sent Saturday never came. Luckily, I storm had rolled in about 4am and cooled everything off. We could not have had better weather for a race scheduled in mid-August!

The race started...and I was in a porta-potty. I kid you not. I ran for the starting area and luckily there were so many runners that my pace group was still nowhere near crossing the start line. Finally, get across and start running. I feel fine...immediately start passing up all the slow people that feel the need to line up in the front corrals. Water stations are placed very nicely, we are running through the Loop so we are shaded by all the buildings. Spectators on the corners. Things looking very good.

Mile 5 takes us out of the Loop and over towards the lake...this is where things begin to go downhill. First, at Mile 6, my Ipod battery dies. Dammit! Why didn't I think to charge it?! Let me just tell you that that sucker is charging off my computer as I sit here and write this! That will not happen again! No way Jose!!! Shortly thereafter, I feel the need to go to the bathroom. Runners, you know what I'm talking about and you know how distracting this becomes. I was pretty sure there would not be a restroom until after the turnaround so I was starting to freak out a little bit.

Miles 7 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!!! What the?! This is a huge race. How the hell do you run out of cups at a water station?! I keep running, no hydration. Mile 8 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!! I was about to lose it! I spotted one guy who had brought some cups of his own or something and quickly ran to him. I was lucky to get one of about the last 20 he had. Believe me, I held onto this cup because I was not going to have to skip another water break!

I'm now starting to feel tired. My feet hurt and my body is going through the motions, but not in a controlled powerful way...more in a survival way...just keep moving. The urge to go to the bathroom faded...but don't worry, it reared its ugly head again around Mile 10 :)

Those last few miles...I don't even know how I made it. I just kept moving for fear that if I stopped, I may never start again. It was bad. At the Mile 12 water stop, I decided it was time for a little walk. I walked about 1/4 mile before I picked it up again for the home stretch. As I got to the finish, all I could think was that if a marathon means doing twice this much, I don't want to do it! Seriously, I'm now dreading the marathon :( This is not good.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Let's give 'em something to talk about!

Or, at least, I gave myself something to talk about! :) My awesome run tonight!! Granted it was only 4 miles and 4 miles SHOULD be a cake walk. But it isn't always. Sometimes 4 miles is 3 miles too long. Sometimes 4 miles feels more like 8. Sometimes 4 miles just doesn't seem worth the effort.

Oh, but tonight was different! Tonight, 4 miles was amazing! Somewhere in the first half mile I just started flying. I didn't even notice until I passed another runner...and then I was like, what pace am I keeping right now?! Granted, fast to me right now is about a 10 minute mile :) I wish I would have worn my watch! Dang it! Not only was my pace great, but I wasn't physically tired...and best of all, I never got mentally tired! Not once did I want to stop or have to talk myself out of going further.

I just ran. Plain and simple. I just ran.

Monday, August 06, 2007

12 Miles...what does it mean?

I actually managed to run 12 miles on Saturday! I think I have set out twice before to reach this mileage and given up both times. But I did it! Here is the thing: I felt very confused afterwards. On the one hand, I felt great! I FINALLY managed to run 12 freakin' miles! I proved that I can pass the 10 mile wall I kept hitting! That made me realize that my mind is getting stronger...my body, maybe a little :)

On the other hand, while it was great that I did it, those 12 miles were no walk in the park. The last 4 miles, specifically. I wanted to stop like you do not even know! I did two 6 mile loops...so it was 3 out and 3 back, twice. If I had done 6 out and back, I don't think I would have made it. By the time I was hitting 8 miles, it was ALL about the short goal game. And when I finished, I don't think I could have taken another step..let alone another mile, like the half marathon this Sunday.

So, what does this mean? I feel great to have a successful run, but I also feel exhausted and stressed. I hate how hard it is to stay mentally focused on the long runs. And to think, I have to run twice that?! I know a marathon isn't supposed to be easy. That is why most people will never run one. But, man!! I can't lose focus now...it has to be all or nothing for the next 2 months. Can I do it?

Friday, August 03, 2007

Bad Nicole

After such a triumphant Wednesday, I failed to drag myself out of bed for 6 miles this morning! I'm so mad at myself right now. Why is it so hard for me to get up early? I keep thinking that someday I'm going to break the cycle, but it doesn't seem to be happening! I have 12 miles tomorrow and with high temps and thunderstorms in the evening, it can only be done in the morning. Which means it probably isn't a good idea to try to make up those 6 miles tonight. Dang it! I'm kicking myself right now! Especially, because my marathon friend gave me a long speech last night about how I should train to make the marathon a cake walk, not settle for training just enough to be able to finish. That this doesn't have to be as hard as I'm making it. That I should want more than that. And I did...until 5am when my alarm went off. Then I was right back ready to settle :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I went, I ran, I conquered!

I had 7 miles on the agenda last night...uh, did anyone see how hot it was at 7:30? It was still eighty-freakin'-three degrees! I sat and debated. Drive to the lake, hope for a nice breeze, get caught in knat swarms, hope I don't get jumped in the dark OR run 3/4 miles to the gym, clock 5.5 miles on the dreadmill, run 3/4 miles home. Hmmmm...neither one of those sounded much fun. Got my running clothes on cuz you know sometimes that is enough to make me feel guilty about not going at all :) And I decided to give the gym plan a try. I told myself that I would just run for as long as I could on the dreadmill without going insane.

I leave the house with towel and water bottle in hand. I don't usually carry anything when I run so this quickly became annoying! Didn't feel too bad with the sun down so things were looking good. Just as I'm approaching the gym and reach to my pocket for my card...dun dun dun!...my card is not there! Fell out while I was running! Oh brother!!!! Back-track I go! Crossing my fingers and hoping that it isn't sitting a block from my house, I manage to luck out and see it sitting smack dab in the middle of Ashland!!! Traffic zooming all around it! When the signal turned to walk, I ran out and grabbed it and headed back to the gym, which luckily wasn't that far.

Run straight for the first treadmill I see so that my heart rate doesn't slow down too much and I am pleasantly surprised to find that they have upgraded their equipment and gotten the treadmills with the fans on them! Yes!!! Air happily blowing on me, running at a 10:30 pace, I'm feeling stupendous! About 20 minutes in, I'm a bit less stupendous. By 35 minutes in, I'm debating myself about getting off. Fan or not, I've decided I still hate the treadmill! I tell myself to make it to 4 miles and then I can re-evaluate. By the time I get to 4 miles, I'm getting my second wind and start playing the short goal game. Just get to 50 minutes. Just do 2 more laps...yeah, it also had a little visual track and showed you going around it. And lo and behold...I did the full 60 minutes!!! I hopped off, gulped down some water and headed out for the run home.

My legs felt like jello because the motion of running on real ground is way different than on the treadmill...it felt really weird to run and I wasn't trusting my legs much! I cross Ashland, not more than 50 feet from the intersection and I hear my key fall out of my pocket!!! What is going on with my pocket today?! By now, it is dark. I cannot find my key to save my life! I'm looking under cars, all over the side walk, over this little ledge that leads to a parking lot. I'm starting to panic! Finally, a car comes driving by and the headlights pass over something shiny. My key! Thank you!!! I kid you not, I was looking for about 5 minutes, even took off my Ipod like somehow it might help if I could hear my key...like maybe it would yell, "Over here!"

By now, the running vibe is dead. I try to muster a little something and run to Elston and catch the red light. I figure that is my sign to just walk the remaining 1/4 mile. Overall, I am extremely proud of myself for staying on that treadmill and getting my planned run done. The weather can no longer be an excuse. I have to train and train right! I just hope that there will be more days that feel this good!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

And one more thing...

After a few runs now where I've had the chance to stop at a hydration station and mix some water up with Gatorade (vs. just using water fountains to hydrate), I seem to get tummy aches. I can only assume this is from the Gatorade, as that has been the only difference in my runs. I bought some shot blocs, but haven't tried them yet. Will this be sufficient for electrolyte replacement on those longer runs? Has Gu worked better for people? I've never used this type of replacement product so I'm curious as to people's reactions to them. Thanks for any info you can offer!

Thank You, Bloggers!

This has been far from an easy ride so far! There have been triumphant moments, but more often than not, it has been rough going. I've questioned my ability, my heart, my will and my sanity :) There have been moments (like right now) where I just cannot wait to feel what it will be like to cross that finish line...I have no doubt in my mind that there will be tears involved! There have been moments where I wanted to quit and never have to run again. There have been runs where I couldn't have been prouder of myself for getting out there and getting the job done. And there have been runs where I walked halfway home. It has been such a rollercoaster and such a mixed bag that its hard to tell where the next turn will lead.

But you know the one consistent part? Being inspired by all the other Chicago Marathon Bloggers out there! Yes, there are a few blogs I stalk nearly daily! Not only has it helped me to read where you all are at in your training right now, but your archives are my oasis! Most of you ran your first Chicago Marthon last year, so going back through your archives and seeing where you were in your training at the point that I'm at in mine now has been a life saver at times! To know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. That its okay to miss some runs. That injuries can be worked through. That the heat will not kill us. Because you all went through these things too...and you all crossed that finish line last year!

Thank you, Bloggers and keep writing!!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I just got my confirmation email for packet pick-up for the Chicago Distance Classic...that means the half marathon is almost here!!!! That email was such a wake up call for me! My first half marathon in over 5 years! My first medal! My first real reality check as to how this marathon is going to shape up! And the crazy thing is that I'm sooooo excited! They are going to have pace groups and I think that it will really benefit me. I just have to figure out what group to run with. My pace in my last 2 races has been much quicker than usual: 10:14 & 10:40 (if I remember correctly). BUT, those were both shorter races. An 11 minute mile pace would put me at a 2 hour 26 minute finish. The paces groups are 2:15 and 2:30. Do I start in the 2:15 and see how it feels? Do I go with the 2:30 and leave them in the dust if I can do better? Decisions, decisions! At least I'm excited rather than terrified! I know I can do this...despite my crappy commitment to my training :)...and I just can't wait to cross that finish line!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just writing to write...

Not a whole lot to report at this point. Last week's new schedule went suprisingly fabulous. This week, however, was another story! Due to long hours at work, I only made it out for 2 runs, neither of which was my long one. I have my Nike Women's 10k tomorrow so that will be fun...except I picked up my stuff yesterday and my shirt has a stain on it! WTF? Out of all the shirts they have for this race, I get the stained one? Bogus, man, bogus!

I really need to be getting my long runs in if I'm going to run this marathon. At this point, I'm pretty convinced there will be a stretch where I walk. That bites. Just barely over 2 months to conquer this thing!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Transition Successful

So far, anyway! I knocked out my 10 miles on Saturday with minimal problem. Again, I waited until the evening to avoid the heat...and getting up early :) I found that I definitely ran out of mental stamina before I did physical. I just get bored way too fase, especially running the same route over and over. Music isn't enough to distract me. I was tired when I got done, but I'd say it was the easiest 10 miles I've done yet. And I didn't even wear my heart rate monitor!

I was all jazzed to get up this morning and begin the conversion to AM running...yeah, that was until the alarm went off! I was like, hell no!!!! So, I didn't :) Luckily, its only 5 miles and the evenings seem to be cooling off nicely. I will definitely get it in tonight! I may have to move my long run to Friday night because I have the Nike Women's 10k on Sunday morning. 12 miles on a Friday night doesn't seem to exciting, but then again, I'll have all day Saturday to lay around and recover!

I ate this little pastry about an hour ago and I'm already beginning to feel the fatigue take hold...oh no...

Friday, July 20, 2007

It's On...

Anyone living in Chicago knows that my 8 miles did not happen on Wednesday night. We had ridiculous thunderstorms and the rain just wouldn't quit. I ran about 4 house lengths from my car to my place and was drenched! The "had to strip down and towel myself off" kind of soaking! So I went out last night instead to try to get the miles in. And I did! The weather was perfect...except a serious headwind the whole way back :( That was rough. The best part was that it wasn't hard! I think I could have kept going! Maybe it's the mornings that are messing me up. That is the only thing I can think of. You don't have much fuel in your system, your body isn't really awake yet. That is no excuse since the marathon is in the morning and I'll have to figure out a way to make mornings better. My original schedule said to do 11 miles Saturday, but this new one is 10...not sure which I'll go for...maybe whatever I can manage! So far, things are looking up!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I wrote that little confession blog yesterday after I had made the same confession to my two marathon/triathalon friends. Let me tell you, they whipped my thinking back into shape in a heartbeat! One told me to throw away that crap training schedule I was on because it wasn't doing enough to build my endurance. He then adjusted his schedule from his training last year to something that I could work with and told me to DO IT!!! So, I did :) There is waaaaaaay more running in this schedule (5 days vs 4 day a week) and the distances are definitely greater. It might kill me. For real. But, with how I've been struggling, I figure its worth a shot.

It started with 5 miles last night. Those 5 miles were great! But, the first run back is always great because your body is fully rested and recovered. I waited until just as the sun was setting since things have been getting a little hot around here. That didn't stop the humidity from being annoying though! And once the sun was down, oh geez...watch out for the bug swarms!!! You can't see them until you are in them, literally. And I was sweating so I'd get the occasional knat stuck to my face! Gross! The upside? Lightning bugs!!!! We don't have those back in Oregon, but I remember the days of spending summers back east to visit my family (my mom is from the Big Apple) and every night me and the girl that lived next door to my grandparents would go outside and try to catch them. It was such a highlight for me since I only got to see them once a year! So, last night, I'm running along and its starting to get creepy dark and I'm having thoughts about getting abducted from the path and then I see it! That little greenish glow for just a second! A smile immediately jumped on my face! For the last mile and a half, all I did was watch for lightning bugs. For some reason, that just made the run for me! I then proceeded to miss the final mile marker sign in the dark...must have been in some trees or something and I almost got lost :) In the dark, on the lake...scary.

Tonight I'm supposed to run 8 miles. This is intimidating me severly. For one, we are having storms and the weather may not make this a good run. Then there is just the fact that it is 8 miles. That is almost an hour and a half of running. It will take my whole evening. I hate that.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This is the test

I'm truly struggling right now. After 2 bad weekend runs in a row, my motivation is crap. I didn't run at all last week and haven't so far this week either. I've been seriously beginning to feel like I don't want this bad enough. It's been RELAXING not to run for a week! To not have to wake up at the crack of dawn or feel guilty for NOT waking up. To not have to battle the heat when all you want to do is curl up on the couch in your central A/C. To not have to give up another Friday night of fun because you have a 6am run to get to. This isn't fun anymore. As Jon put it, I lost my Eye of the Tiger...he suggests I watch Rocky III :)

I don't want to be a quitter. How do I get the will back? The want back? This frustrating in such a major way because a part of me would be so relieved to throw in the towel...but the other part doesn't want to have invested so much time, energy and of course, money for nothing! Augh! I'm told every runner goes through this in their training and I can't let it stop me. I have to move forward and passed it because nothing will feel as great as crossing the finish line in October. Help...

Monday, July 02, 2007


In so many ways... First of all, my boy Jon was visiting and decided to run my long run with me this week. He is currently involved in triathlons, but hadn't run a distance this long ever. We set out and I knew I was going to fast, but I felt pressure because he is in such good shape, I thought he would get bored running so slow. Well, by 5.5 miles my heart rate was way too high and I decided I needed to walk a bit. Believe it or not, he went on ahead without me! AND he finished the whole 9 miles! He is my hero! I alternated between running and walking the remainder of the 3.5 miles. So, that was ouch number one.

Then, we had signed up to do the Race for the Taste 5k on Sunday. I was already tired from Saturday's run. I haven't gotten to sleep in for 2 weeks. And, basically, I just didn't want to do it! But, Jon was not having that! Got my butt up at 6am. We got ready and headed down to Grant Park. He decided he was gonna run this 5k for time since that is the length he runs for his tris. I, on the otherhad, was just going to try to finish it without walking! Once it started though, I pushed myself to not just jog, even though my body was tired. I ran it faster than I run my usual runs, but still probably not as fast as I could have if I hadn't have run on Saturday. I ended up finish in at just over a 10 minute mile pace. I'll take that! That was ouch number two.

As part of the goodie bag for Race to the Taste, you got a free strip of tickets. But, the Taste didn't open until 11am and the race ended around 9:30. So, we hung out and waited. Then walked around it for a bit. Then ate. Then finally decided to head home. Um, let's just say a little sunblock might have been a good idea! I was fried! It didn't look so bad at the time, but as the day wore on and the burn "developed"...wow. And ouch number three.

Now, I'm exhausted. I ran both days. I didn't sleep too well last night cuz of the burn. And I'm tried of getting up early :)

Friday, June 29, 2007


That is how many days left until the Marathon! I signed up when there were exactly 200 days left. So, it is officially the half-way point. I wish I felt like I was at a more successful place in my training. Another bad week. I've only run once! I have seriously been debating a short run tonight, but with 9 miles in the morning, I'm not sure if it would be a good or bad idea. 100 days...

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

It's gettin' hot in huurrrrr

So hot! Seriously! My first conclusion when I thought of running after work yesterday was No Way Jose! Then the little guilt monster started kicking in and I figured I might as well give it a try. Bad idea! The humidity was ridiculous...I was sweating like a mofo out there in just 5 minutes. And this wasn't that triumphant, glistening runner's sweat. No, this was just hot, nasty, I haven't even done anything to earn it, sweat! Augh! It was gross and mentally challenging. I ran about 20 minutes and decided I had enough of it! Plus, I was running on the streets and the cars and smells and curb jumps were getting to me...gotta stick to the lake. When I got about 3/4 of a mile from the house, I'd cooled off a little and gave it another to. Ran the rest of the way. So, not a complete failure! Although, I'm sure I looked gorgeous when I was done!

I'll do a run tomorrow morning, then a short one Friday and then down to 9 miles on Saturday. Then the Race to the Taste 5k Sunday morning. Is that too much? Should I be running 4 days in a row? :) Jon - you really want to do those 9 with me on Saturday???

Monday, June 25, 2007

Expected, but still Disappointing

So, after my two week break and only clocking 9 miles since, I still tried to run my scheduled 12 miler this weekend... Despite wanting to complete it with all my heart, my legs gave out first :( I forced myself to do ten, but I couldn't for the life of me push myself a step further! I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I am that I didn't make it, even though it isn't that surprising with my injury break. But I wanted to think that I could at least mentally power myself through. That I could block out the fatigue. That I could ignore the aching foot. But alas, it was not to be.

My foot was in serious acheage all the rest of that day, but miraculously, it has been great ever since! Did it finally get that stretch it needed to calm down? I hope so!

I also volunteered at the Fleet Feet Hydration Station at North Ave on Sunday. At 6:45am. That was fun. It was cold (if you can believe it!) and balmy and no one was running. We were out there for an hour and a half before we closed up shop. It was really cool to interact with all the runners who did manage to stop by though. It is just crazy how they come in all shapes and sizes and ages, etc. Anyone can be a runner! I loved that! It was very motivational! Due to the early hour of the volunteering, I'll probably only do it here and there this summer, but it is definitely something I want to do again!

Wish me luck this week running in the high 80s, low 90s weather :(

Friday, June 22, 2007

Paid the Price

Boy, did I pay the price for my early rise yesterday. All afternoon I was head bobbing at my computer trying to keep from falling asleep. I knocked out right at 10pm and when my alarm went off this morning, I was still dead to the world! Whew! I guess that is gonna take some getting used to! I won't be seeing any sleeping in this weekend either. I have to get up for my Saturday run...although, its not going to get as hot as it has been, so rising to get to the 5:45am group run isn't as critical as I first thought. Then, Sunday I'm volunteering at the North Ave Fleet Feet hydration station...when I signed up I had no idea I would have to be there at 6:45am!!! After finding that out, I will only be volunteering once a month! :) Can't lose my entire weekend to running stuff!

Gonna take back my new shoes tonight because I think they are a half size too big and giving my blisters. They were really nice about that since I've already done a run in them. I also might try some speed work with my group on Tuesday. Maybe I do need to shoot for more than an 11 minute mile...although slow and steady is fine with me! I'd rather be slow and comfortable than fast and stressed! We'll see...

No real point to this blog except some general thoughts on the running tip. Happy Friday!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

5:15am and on the move!

Yeah, you read that right...I actually got up at 5:15 this morning. And was out of the house at 5:40am. And ran 5 miles! I am not a morning person, as I'm sure you've heard me state here a million times over and I'm definitely not a morning runner. But with the heat creeping up the way it is, I know I have to make this a habit if I'm going to survive training through the summer.

The best part was that as I came through the tunnel onto the Lake Front path, there was no one on it! Seriously, one biker rode by and then again, no one. Then another biker, then no one. It wasn't until I got down towards Irving Park that I started to see people...that was such an odd experience. Usually, I'm dodging people left and right, cursing the people who walk on the little gravel pathway that I need to run on to save my knees from replacement, trying not to get run over by bike riders, etc. This morning was so peaceful...save the monologue in my mind about how much I hate running and how hard it is to run in the morning and how my foot was hurting and wouldn't it suck if that tendon just snapped right this moment and who would help me get home and...well, you get the picture :) Ipod...must remember to bring the Ipod!

Overall, I'm incredibly proud of myself for getting up, not quitting even when I wanted to and living through this pain in my foot. Maybe I need to call that doctor again...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


After my injury hiatus and then that awful attempt at running on Saturday, I was very skeptical heading out last night. But guess what? It went great! I didn't start right exactly at a mile marker, but I know I clocked over 4 miles...a little more because I ran a short distance to the 2 mile marker and then turned around at the 4 miles marker and ran back to my starting point. The best part though, was that it was EASY! Seriously! It was a cake walk. Wasn't hot, wasn't out of breath, wasn't tired...just running the way a runner should! I really needed that to get my confidence back up that this break didn't knock me out of the game!

The downside though is that my foot is still hurting. It hurts right now :( I even wore the new shoes, but they didn't make much difference. I'm icing and physical therapying...might give the Doc a call to make sure that it is okay to keep running with the pain. I'm a warrior...I can do it!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hmmm...Not as planned

I decided to get out and run today. The goal was going to be 5 or 6 miles depending on the foot. I wasn't wearing the new shoes yet because they aren't broken in and I didn't want to go to far in the old ones. Almost immediately my foot began hurting. I noticed that if I landed more on the outside of my foot, it wasn't too bad so I tried to do that and keep going. Then the heat started to get to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I should have gotten up earlier. I guess there is a valid reason the group meets at 6:30am! It was only 10am, but it was about 85 degrees already. So, (drumroll, please) I went all of 2 miles before stopping! Hee hee...it was friggin' hot!!! And I hadn't run for 2 weeks...and my foot hurt...and, well, you get the picture!

And you know what else? I am pasty as hell! Oh, I was far from the only pasty individual out there showin' some skin this morning, but that doesn't make it any cuter! Skin cancer is in my family so I am definitely not a sun baby. Actually, I'm that person that has been having annual skin exams since I was 25. My dermatologist has measured the shape and size of every mark on my body...if something changes, she's gonna know. That makes me feel a little safer. But I'm gonna have to get my self tanner on soon. This ain't cute!

Since I haven't posted a photo in awhile, here is a random:


The little baby boo boo bear in her condo...yes, I call her lots of crazy names and yes, she is slowly eating her condo :) I could probably write a blog all its own on the ridiculous names I call this poor bunny. I think I get it from my mom. She always had all kinds of crazy names for me growing up. The best one? Poopy Lou. That's right, my mom used to call me Poopy Lou and I'd answer to it! That's a special relationship right there! The funny part is I call the bunny Poo Poo McGee sometimes. I have no idea where it came from, just popped out of my mouth one day and stuck. Maybe it comes from Poopy Lou...who knows?! I think I may have just revealed WAY too much about myself so let me end this :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Thumbs Up

The verdict is in! Dr. Foot Man said its just a tight tendon...or at least that is what I got out of all technical terms. I have to do some physical therapy to try to stretch it out and I'm not supposed to wear shoes that don't support my arch. Other than that, I'm A-Okay to run! I went straight to the running shoe store after the appointment and promptly ran into one of the running coaches for my group that I never run with :) And he recognized me...that was embarrassing! I was finding excuse after excuse as to why I haven't shown up! But, he still got me fitted in some new shoes and gave me some pointers on my running form after watching me run on the treadmill for awhile. All in all, the outlook is good and I WILL run this marathon!!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hello, Doctor?

I did it...I made an appointment with a podiatrist. Did I spell that right? Anyway, I figured it was the easiest way to feel comfortable hopping back on the wagon...or not, if the doctor has a good reason! I'll try to get new shoes tonight, as I think the mileage on my current pair may be at their its limit and then tomorrow afternoon I'll go have the ol' foot examined. Please don't let it be anything! Please just let him tell me to put on a brace and run until my heart is content! And please, oh please, once I start running again, don't let it be hard!

Note to self: Polish the toes tonight!!! :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm scared

Yeah, you heard me! I'm afraid to start running again. Every time I'm gearing up to go I start to feel like it's still sore, or too tight, or just plain old afraid I'm going to do something to aggrevate it! How do I get past this?! I know that I have to get out there and start again soon or I'm going to get too far behind. I am being silly...or am I? Augh!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Fingers Crossed

Well, it is Sunday. One whole week since the foot started hurting. It is feeling better, but not totally healed. I am going to start running tomorrow because I can't wait any longer! I hope this decision does not prove to be a huge mistake! Fingers crossed...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Injury Time

After being so proud about that 10 miles on Sunday, I was shot down pretty quick. I had noticed some very mild irritation in my arch while I was running and just tried to watch my stride so I wouldn't put excessive pressure on it. It felt pretty okay after the run. Then, that night, I was sitting cross-legged on the couch (with the bad foot being the foot under my leg) and when I stood up...holy moly, some pain! The bone that is the side of my arch was killing me! I made sure not to sit cross-legged for the rest of the night and went to bed.

That didn't fix it. And today, Thursday, after no running at all since, it is STILL sore! :( I'm worried it might be a stress fracture. I'm taking the week off, skipping my 12 miles this weekend and hoping that I can pick it back up next week. I wil be so, so, so, SO disappointed if I have to take off more time for this! Why, oh why do these things happen to me?! Just as I was finding my groove and the doubts about myself were dissolving! Augh! If anyone has suggestions for speeding recovery, let me know! I tried wearing a brace, but I swear that made it hurt more! Been iceing it at night and that makes it hurt too! My body is a mysterious thing :)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

That Last Mile!

So, I had a weak week! Somehow, reaching my first benchmark in the training last weekend made me think I could take a break :) I only did one run this week! Bad girl! I was supposed to do my 10 mile run w/ my group yesterday, but stayed up WAY too late Friday night and could not drag my butt out of bed to go at 6:40am. Then, by the time I did get up, it was too hot out to be clockin' 10 miles. There was even a point yesterday where I was ready to bag the run entirely cuz I really wanted to go out last night. I haven't been out in weeks and I need to shake my butt!

My conscience got the best of me. I turned in early and got up this morning to run. I really, really, REALLY did not want to do it! Those last 3 miles were really difficult last weekend and the only thing that kept me running was that there was a clock at the end tracking my time. This time, there would be no clock...well, my watch, but only I would have to know. I was afraid I couldn't do it again, especially alone.

But I got out there to give it the ol' college try. And I did it! It never fails to amaze me how my body adapts and rises to the occasion for these runs! My mind definitely gives out way before my body starts to get exhausted. And despite the lack of running this week, this 10 miles was actually easier than last week! I didn't poop out until that last mile. But, don't trip, that last mile was brutal! Between Lawerence and Foster, it is a straight away and you can see the end...and how far away it is! And how not close you are getting, despite the fact that your feet seem to keep moving!

Maybe this is how it is going to be. Maybe it is never going to be easy to conquer that last mile. I can live with that as long as the rest of the run doesn't kill me!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Traffic Sucks

So much for the PUMA Pursuit yesterday! My friend left his house yesterday at 5:30 to pick me up in the Loop and get to Piper's Alley. We had an hour, didn't seem like this would be a problem. Traffic was so bad (I'm assuming it was due to the rain. Everyone always forgets how to drive when it rains) that he didn't even get into the Loop until about 6:10. Then, it took us about 20 minutes just to get across the river! We are talking 4 or 5 blocks! By the time we made it over to Piper's Alley and got parked, it was 5 minutes to 7pm! We tenatively walked into Fleet Feet on the slight chance we might still be able to do the run, but it was a no go! :( But I did get some new runner's socks! :) The light at the end of the tunnel! Haha... They are having 2 more PUMA Pursuits this summer so I already told my friend he is locked in for the next one! I WILL win some free shoes, dang it!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Damn the Lightning!

So, my friend and I are signed up for the PUMA Pursuit run today at Fleet Feet. It's supposed to be just a fun little run where you compete w/ partners or alone. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but you run to checkpoints (I think everyone's route may be slightly different) and then you have to answer trivia questions or something. You earn tokens and if you get a particular number or matching tokens you win stuff at the end. Yeah, kinda dorky (we all know that is my middle name), but I figured it would be a fun way to spice up my running...

Yeah, well, Mother Nature seems to have another plan at the moment! A thunderstorm has just rolled in! Poo! I called Fleet Feet to see what the deal was...if it was rain or shine...and they don't know! They said to call when it gets closer to run time. Double poo! Of course, we all know that I will not be venturing out to run alone in a thunderstorm, so please, oh please, weather Gods, let this run happen! Plus, I want to win free shoes! :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007


I had two definitions of success in today's race. The first was to run the 10 miles in under 2 hours. The other goes kind of hand in hand with that in that I didn't want to walk any part of the course. Mission 1: Success! Mission 2: Success! Yeah! I ran the entire race w/o stopping except for at the water stations and I ran it in under 2 hours. I forgot to check the time when I crossed the start line so I'm not sure of my exact time, but its some where around 1 hour 50 minutes. I know, I know, that is an 11 minute mile, but I'm cool with that. I made sure to watch my heartrate the entire race and I kept it low! Actually, that is the best long run I've had where I've managed to keep it low for the entire time!

At mile 5 I was feeling so great that I just knew I had this race in the bag. What a difference a couple of miles can make! By mile 7 I was back to playing the mind vs. body game. My mind was telling me I was tired and that walking wouldn't be a total loss...but I had to fight it. I knew that my body was fine...it was a little fatigued and the bottoms of my feet were sore from pounding all that pavement, but overall, nothing was hurting. So, I forced (I there were points where I can't stress the word FORCE enough!) to keep going. Then, just when I was thinking I might truly have to give in to walking, there was Soldier Field! Right there in sight! And not too far away!

The catch, you had to run all the way around that big ass place before you get to the tunnel you run in through...then you gotta run through the tunnel, then around half the field...probably the longest mile of my life! Not cool when you can see your finishing point, but you can't SEE your finish point...got me? But, in the end, I did it! I am so proud of myself! Now, I gotta run another 10 next weekend...yipee :(

A little tired, probably sore tomorrow, but in good shape! Thanks to everyone who wished me well and who called to congratulate my fine finish :)

Friday, May 25, 2007

That was it

The last run before the BIG run tomorrow! It was only 30 minutes, but it wasn't a struggle like most of my runs seem to be :) I'm very thankful for that. I am soooo nervous for this race tomorrow. I've pretty much convinced myself that there is no way I can run the entire 10 miles. That is a dumb thing for me to do, but I've already accepted that it probably won't happen. I swear I will give it my best shot! Wish me luck!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Oops...I did it again!

Well, okay, this time it wasn't an accident, but I ran almost 8 again. I say almost because I stopped at the water fountain at mile 7 and had a hard time starting back up. Walked to the 7.5 then ran to the 8. The part that was different this time was that I started out with 8 miles in mind...I wasn't sure how that would affect the mental aspect. The last 3 miles were definitely hard. It was sunny and when in direct sunlight, it was feeling quite warm. My face actually got sunburned out there! I better get some running tube tops or something before I end up with crazy tan lines :)

Next weekend I have the Soldier Field 10 Mile. I'm very nervous about that race. The distances I've run these past 2 weekends have been far from easy. And now I have to go 2 miles further?! I most definitely have to run the schedule this week and then I guess I just hope for the best! At least I'll get to see my sweaty red face flashed on the jumbotron as I cross the finish line...that is always the most embarrassing part of that race. Can't we start on the jumbotron when we are fresh and beautiful??? Why they gotta catch us when we are ready to collapse?! One week until the first benchmark in my training!!!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

8 Miles!

Yeah, you heard me, I just ran 8 miles...or somewhere close to that!!! I'm shocked my damn self! I set out hoping I could do 5, try for 6 if the first 2.5 felt good. Surprisingly, the first 2.5 felt great so I decided to go the extra half mile before turning around to make it a 6 miles run. Well, I didn't realize the lakefront path that has mile markers goes under LSD at one point so I just kept running on the path closest to the lake. Running and running...wondering where that next mile marker sign is...running and running. I finally knew I had gone well beyond another half mile so I turned around. Running back, I saw that the first exit I passed was Fullerton! Fullerton!!!! I had no idea I was THAT far south! For those of you familiar with Chicago, I started up at Lawerance. And I ran farther south than Fullerton!

The whole run back was right into some serious wind. I think if it hadn't been so windy, I could have gone even further. But that wind was killing me!!! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the fact that this is such an accomplishment is because the last long run I did was 5 miles 3 weeks ago. And I've only run a maybe 4 times since, never anymore than 3 miles! I hope this wasn't just a fluke and I can catch up with the group schedule. And finish the 10 miles race I have in 2 weeks. This was just the kind of run I needed right now! Yeah!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Arm Flab

When I was running tonight, I felt the weirdest sensation. In my arms. It was my arm fat bouncing. That's right, you heard me, bouncing! Ew! I'm used to feeling the thighbutt bounce, but my arms?! And yes, thighbutt is a word. My roommate in college, Kara, came up with it and looking back, I highly doubt we had any thighbutt back then. But now? It is real. It is gross and ugly and bouncy and it is real! But back to the arm bounce. WTF?! I do carry my weight in my upper limbs, but this takes the cake. This is a new feeling that I do not want to get used to. Therefore, I must run until it is gone! Gone, I say!

Aside from the arm fat, the run went pretty well. I was breaking in a pair of new hot boots today and didn't think to wear socks. Can you say blister? I can. Ouch! So, that made the run slightly annoying, as I had to ignore the ache on my big toe. But overall, very good run! Another run tomorrow, 5 miles on saturday and then the Y-ME 5k on sunday. Should be a good week! Finally getting back on track!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Starting Over

Neck finally all better, weather great, month-end close done. Nothing to come between me and running. With the little hiatus I took, I've decided it would be best to start the training program from the beginning again and try to catch up later. I posted on my training group forum asking if this was the best way to go and do you know what they said? NOTHING! Seriously, no replies. What did I pay my $85 for then? I'm tempted to ask for a refund and drop the group. I asked them if they would be having a seminar on heart-rate monitors because I didn't see it on the seminar list and they wrote back that if I knew someone who would be interested in doing it, they would love to have one. Again, aren't I paying them money to find these people? This group sucks.

Anyway, did 3 miles this morning. Decided to run through Lincoln Park because I figured it would be pretty empty on a sunday morning, given all the college kiddies that live there. I was wrong! I hate people dodging on the sidewalks. Surprising to me that on the night after Cinco de Mayo, everyone was up and moving so early. I know back in the day, I was up by then...but I was usually sitting on my couch inhaling a BK value meal :)

And I must say, lots of cute little male college kiddies out there! Despite the fact that I've never even come close to dating any of them, I'm really attracted to the preppy pretty boys. Lots of eye candy this morning. I kept wondering if I look like I'm almost 30. Can they tell that I am that much older than them? Although, loss of several coolness points for my sweat and red face while I run...guess I shouldn't even worry about how old they think I am! :)

Starting over...fun fun.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I think I might be...

Anemic :( Either iron or B-12 deficient. Or both. That would totally explain why I feel so tired ALL the time lately. And I'm not just talking tired like I want to sleep an extra hour in the morning...I'm talking tired like I haven't done my dishes in 2 weeks! Can't get up the energy to go grocery shopping. My clothes are all over my floor of my room. I can't seem to do anything except drag my butt to work and back. It's slightly alarming!

When I first became a vegetarian, I was so excited! I went out and bought books, downloaded recipes, bought all kinds of weird things to add to my meals to get the right vitamins. Yeah, well, we knew that would come to an end sooner rather than later! And it did! I'm probably on the border of being a junk food vegetarian. Yikes! I'm pretty sure that is why I now am deficient in CRUCIAL vitamins. I'm obviously slow. Not to mention that training for the marathon cannot be done with this level of energy! I'm way behind on it! I hope that I can at least attack this issue in time to get caught up!

I wonder if I need to see a doctor or if I can just start trying to incorporate these things back into my diet and it will go away? Hmmmm...

Plus, I had an awful kink in my back for the past 2 weeks that was also adding to the training "fall behind". That seems to finally be almost gone. Must head to Whole Foods tonight and get some groceries. This is life or death. Marathon or no marathon!