Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Shoes!
I forgot the most important thing! I got new shoes yesterday...bad day to tackle Fleet Feet since the Shamrock Shuffle was today, but we survived! Here they are, including my new chiropractor prescribed insoles!

It has officially begun!
The training...I am officially in training. I know, its still only March, but the Portland group that I trained with way back in the day actually began their training this weekend! So, I downloaded their training schedule for the next 4 weeks. It's on!
I did tweek it a little to incorporate some of the hefty, slightly insane, goals I have for myself this year. Here is what this week will look like if all goes well:
Sunday: Run 3 miles - DONE :)
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Run 25 minutes & lifting circuit
Wednesday: Run 30 minutes
Thursday: Off
Friday: Run 25 minutes
Saturday: Lifting circuit & 20 min crosstraining activity
Sunday: Run 4 miles
It may take a little talking into somedays, but its definitely doable! Especially right now. I'm feeling very positive and very energized because its easy to see progress at this level. I was talking to my friend last night about how to keep this energy going when I hit a wall. Or when progression begins to slow down. Because it will happen. This I already know. He didn't really know, but he said we'd get each other through it. There was no other choice :0) I wish I had his confidence!
I did tweek it a little to incorporate some of the hefty, slightly insane, goals I have for myself this year. Here is what this week will look like if all goes well:
Sunday: Run 3 miles - DONE :)
Monday: Off
Tuesday: Run 25 minutes & lifting circuit
Wednesday: Run 30 minutes
Thursday: Off
Friday: Run 25 minutes
Saturday: Lifting circuit & 20 min crosstraining activity
Sunday: Run 4 miles
It may take a little talking into somedays, but its definitely doable! Especially right now. I'm feeling very positive and very energized because its easy to see progress at this level. I was talking to my friend last night about how to keep this energy going when I hit a wall. Or when progression begins to slow down. Because it will happen. This I already know. He didn't really know, but he said we'd get each other through it. There was no other choice :0) I wish I had his confidence!
Friday, March 28, 2008
I knew I shouldn't have done it...
Gotten on the scale this morning! I've been working out, eating well...and this morning I was heavier than I've seen on the scale in 10 years!!! How does that happen? I'm seriously upset. I try not to make weight an issue on this blog, but this really upset me this morning so I had to vent.
I should also mention that I'm developing a weird crush on the host of Destination Truth. No idea why. I used to find him the most annoying person ever...but somehow he's growing on me. Hmmm.
I should also mention that I'm developing a weird crush on the host of Destination Truth. No idea why. I used to find him the most annoying person ever...but somehow he's growing on me. Hmmm.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm on a roll, baby!
Today wasn't as easy, but I got it done! I did my same 3 round circuit and then another 30 minutes of running that varied anywhere from 5.0 - 5.2 mph. The lifting went pretty well. Did pretty much the same as Saturday's workout. I struggled a little with the shoulder press...must have weak shoulders today! I also upped the weight on the leg press because I remembered that it felt kind of easy before. This may have been a bad idea because I noticed I struggled a little more on the run.
I started the run at 5.1 and quickly tried to move to 5.2...that didn't feel good. I noticed I was getting out of breath much quicker than my last run. I took it back to 5.0 for a bit until I was feeling good again and then back to 5.1. Near the end of the run, I went back to 5.2 and then into a cool down. There did come a point where I wanted to stop, but I didn't let myself. That was big for me. These are small victories, but I'll take them!
I really want to plan out my week ahead. But at the same time...when (if) I miss a run, I get all down on myself for messing up the plan. So, I suppose the answer to that is to not miss a run... :) I think maybe I'll do a little cross-training tomorrow and I'll plan my week out after that!
I started the run at 5.1 and quickly tried to move to 5.2...that didn't feel good. I noticed I was getting out of breath much quicker than my last run. I took it back to 5.0 for a bit until I was feeling good again and then back to 5.1. Near the end of the run, I went back to 5.2 and then into a cool down. There did come a point where I wanted to stop, but I didn't let myself. That was big for me. These are small victories, but I'll take them!
I really want to plan out my week ahead. But at the same time...when (if) I miss a run, I get all down on myself for messing up the plan. So, I suppose the answer to that is to not miss a run... :) I think maybe I'll do a little cross-training tomorrow and I'll plan my week out after that!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
And another one...
Another great 30 minute run last night. And...wait for it...wait for it...I bumped the speed up to 5.1 mph! I know...I'm insane!!! :P Hee hee...for real though, I figure if I just bump it up by a tenth of a mile each time and can handle it, I'll be back at 6.0 mph in no time!
Tonight I think I'll go for the lifting circuit again and then the run. I have to try to get my mind wrapped around this being a daily thing. Like this is what I do EVERY day...and the exception is having a day off. Right now, I always phrase it as, "I have to run today". When really, that should be a given and on an off day I should think, "I get to rest today". I hope that makes sense.
I feel incredibly lucky to have two friends training with me this year. Last year I found it very difficult to do it all on my own. One is training for the Chicago Marathon, but since that and the Portland Marathon are only a week apart, we'll be at virtually the same training place and hopefully we can do some runs together. If anything, he tells me when he's done a run and I feel like I have to go do one just to keep up with him. Nothing like a little competition to get me moving! The other doesn't live here, but is training to run the Portland with me. So, we probably won't have much running together, but I'll be lucky to have him waiting for me at the finish line...right now he's running under an 8 min/mile pace and there is no way I'd ever keep up!
I think this is the year I actually cross the finish line!
Tonight I think I'll go for the lifting circuit again and then the run. I have to try to get my mind wrapped around this being a daily thing. Like this is what I do EVERY day...and the exception is having a day off. Right now, I always phrase it as, "I have to run today". When really, that should be a given and on an off day I should think, "I get to rest today". I hope that makes sense.
I feel incredibly lucky to have two friends training with me this year. Last year I found it very difficult to do it all on my own. One is training for the Chicago Marathon, but since that and the Portland Marathon are only a week apart, we'll be at virtually the same training place and hopefully we can do some runs together. If anything, he tells me when he's done a run and I feel like I have to go do one just to keep up with him. Nothing like a little competition to get me moving! The other doesn't live here, but is training to run the Portland with me. So, we probably won't have much running together, but I'll be lucky to have him waiting for me at the finish line...right now he's running under an 8 min/mile pace and there is no way I'd ever keep up!
I think this is the year I actually cross the finish line!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Oh Yeah, Baby!
Do you ever have one of those workouts that just goes ten times beyond the expectations you set out for yourself? Yeah? Well, that was me today!
I had to work the 9-3pm shift at work. In one way its great because there are limited classes, students and staff in the building on Saturday so you get a lot done. On the other hand, once your projects are done, there isn't a whole lot more to do. So, about 1:30 I got to that point. I didn't really have anything to do. This made me start getting lazy. Thoughts of how it would be so nice to just head home at 3pm instead of going upstairs to the gym started to creep into my head. I even went and snagged a Dark Chocolate Mounds from the vending machine...yeah, I've had my eye on that puppy all week! After swearing to only eat one of the little bars, I even finished it off!
Just as 3pm was almost here, I saw a picture of this athletic toned woman that totally inspired me. Here I was, 7 floors away from the gym, with nothing else planned for the day, and I was gonna skip it? That was ridiculous! So, up I went.
Upon arrival, the gym was empty, lights off and all. I got the place up and jumping and then looked at the treadmill. Not fun. With all the machines empty and readily available for my lifting pleasure, I decided to go that route first. It ended up being an awesome 3 round circuit session that covered legs, biceps, abs, triceps, back and shoulders. Lovely! When that was over, I was feeling a little more sure of myself.
To the treadmill I went. My outdoor runs so far have been intervals of walking and running and they haven't felt all that pleasant. That being said, I decided to start at 5mph and see how it went. That is a bit slower than I usually run at, but then again, I'm not at my usual running ability. I planned to run 3 minutes, walk 2...since that was working on the outdoor runs. At 3 minutes, I felt like I hadn't done anything. So, I decided to go for 5. At 5, I still felt great so I went crazy and decided to just go until I felt I HAD to stop. Halfway through, I knew I would be running the entire 30 minutes. I felt strong. It felt fairly easy. I was out of breath, but not in a bad way. Just enough to remind me that my body was working. For a second, I even considered adding more time, but figured I better not push my luck!
I finished the workout with a 5 minute walk and some stretching. I cannot express how great I feel. I don't feel tired, fatigued, sore (although I'm sure that will come) or anything negative at all. I feel very proud and strong! Now I can't wait to get out there and do it again!!
I had to work the 9-3pm shift at work. In one way its great because there are limited classes, students and staff in the building on Saturday so you get a lot done. On the other hand, once your projects are done, there isn't a whole lot more to do. So, about 1:30 I got to that point. I didn't really have anything to do. This made me start getting lazy. Thoughts of how it would be so nice to just head home at 3pm instead of going upstairs to the gym started to creep into my head. I even went and snagged a Dark Chocolate Mounds from the vending machine...yeah, I've had my eye on that puppy all week! After swearing to only eat one of the little bars, I even finished it off!
Just as 3pm was almost here, I saw a picture of this athletic toned woman that totally inspired me. Here I was, 7 floors away from the gym, with nothing else planned for the day, and I was gonna skip it? That was ridiculous! So, up I went.
Upon arrival, the gym was empty, lights off and all. I got the place up and jumping and then looked at the treadmill. Not fun. With all the machines empty and readily available for my lifting pleasure, I decided to go that route first. It ended up being an awesome 3 round circuit session that covered legs, biceps, abs, triceps, back and shoulders. Lovely! When that was over, I was feeling a little more sure of myself.
To the treadmill I went. My outdoor runs so far have been intervals of walking and running and they haven't felt all that pleasant. That being said, I decided to start at 5mph and see how it went. That is a bit slower than I usually run at, but then again, I'm not at my usual running ability. I planned to run 3 minutes, walk 2...since that was working on the outdoor runs. At 3 minutes, I felt like I hadn't done anything. So, I decided to go for 5. At 5, I still felt great so I went crazy and decided to just go until I felt I HAD to stop. Halfway through, I knew I would be running the entire 30 minutes. I felt strong. It felt fairly easy. I was out of breath, but not in a bad way. Just enough to remind me that my body was working. For a second, I even considered adding more time, but figured I better not push my luck!
I finished the workout with a 5 minute walk and some stretching. I cannot express how great I feel. I don't feel tired, fatigued, sore (although I'm sure that will come) or anything negative at all. I feel very proud and strong! Now I can't wait to get out there and do it again!!
Friday, March 14, 2008
I bit off WAY more than I could chew today. I forgot I have to get back in this thing gradually :) Yes, it was a less than stellar running performance, but I got out there and got yet another run under my belt. And that is what I'm going to take away from it!
I've got a really ambitious workout schedule in mind for when I finally get myself to where I need to be. I really want to work on strengthening my muscles, through lifting at the gym a couple of times a week, doing my Windsor pilates a couple times (yes, I bought it off the TV and it rocks!) and then making sure I spend one day a week doing some cross training exercies. No burn out this year and no falling off the wagon!
Let's also pray this weather sticks around and the winter is DONE!!!
I've got a really ambitious workout schedule in mind for when I finally get myself to where I need to be. I really want to work on strengthening my muscles, through lifting at the gym a couple of times a week, doing my Windsor pilates a couple times (yes, I bought it off the TV and it rocks!) and then making sure I spend one day a week doing some cross training exercies. No burn out this year and no falling off the wagon!
Let's also pray this weather sticks around and the winter is DONE!!!
Monday, March 03, 2008
A beautiful day
Of course, I'm referring to yesterday and our wonderful near 50 degree temps! I sat in my livingroom, seeing the sun peeking in through the windows all day and finally, about 4pm I kicked myself in the butt and said get out there are run! I am not allowed to use the weather as an excuse if I'm not taking advantage of the good days!
Being that I've run probably 3 whole times in the last 4 months, I decided to do run/walk intervals. It started with run 2, walk 3...cuz I didn't want to over do it and end up walking the whole thing. Once I got a few of those in and was warmed up, I switched to 2.5 run, 2.5 walk. This felt good. There were a few little inclines in there that I thought might kill me, but I doing it! I finished my 3 mile loop with 3 sets of run 3, walk 2. It took 37 minutes. I think that is an outstanding time! I was probably keeping a faster pace while running due to the walk intervals. I felt very tired when it was over, but great at the same time! Although, I had to dodge more than a few ice patches that we still hanging around and I felt like I tweeked my knee a little with my turns and leaps :S
After I was home and settled, it occured to me that I had to meet with the trainer this morning at 7:30am...what had I done?! I ran at 4pm on Sunday afternoon and had to endure 30 minutes of hell 15 hours later? This was not good! Lucky for me, she went a little easy on my this morning. And by easy, I mean I still was absolutely exhausted by the end, but comparing to some of the other workouts she has put me through, it could have been a lot worse! I have another appt with her on Thursday so at least I know I'll have gotten 3 workouts in this week. That is a great week for me these days!
At this point, I'm pretty positive I won't be able to get up out of my chair by the end of the day...but I needed this!
Being that I've run probably 3 whole times in the last 4 months, I decided to do run/walk intervals. It started with run 2, walk 3...cuz I didn't want to over do it and end up walking the whole thing. Once I got a few of those in and was warmed up, I switched to 2.5 run, 2.5 walk. This felt good. There were a few little inclines in there that I thought might kill me, but I doing it! I finished my 3 mile loop with 3 sets of run 3, walk 2. It took 37 minutes. I think that is an outstanding time! I was probably keeping a faster pace while running due to the walk intervals. I felt very tired when it was over, but great at the same time! Although, I had to dodge more than a few ice patches that we still hanging around and I felt like I tweeked my knee a little with my turns and leaps :S
After I was home and settled, it occured to me that I had to meet with the trainer this morning at 7:30am...what had I done?! I ran at 4pm on Sunday afternoon and had to endure 30 minutes of hell 15 hours later? This was not good! Lucky for me, she went a little easy on my this morning. And by easy, I mean I still was absolutely exhausted by the end, but comparing to some of the other workouts she has put me through, it could have been a lot worse! I have another appt with her on Thursday so at least I know I'll have gotten 3 workouts in this week. That is a great week for me these days!
At this point, I'm pretty positive I won't be able to get up out of my chair by the end of the day...but I needed this!
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