Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Arm Flab

When I was running tonight, I felt the weirdest sensation. In my arms. It was my arm fat bouncing. That's right, you heard me, bouncing! Ew! I'm used to feeling the thighbutt bounce, but my arms?! And yes, thighbutt is a word. My roommate in college, Kara, came up with it and looking back, I highly doubt we had any thighbutt back then. But now? It is real. It is gross and ugly and bouncy and it is real! But back to the arm bounce. WTF?! I do carry my weight in my upper limbs, but this takes the cake. This is a new feeling that I do not want to get used to. Therefore, I must run until it is gone! Gone, I say!

Aside from the arm fat, the run went pretty well. I was breaking in a pair of new hot boots today and didn't think to wear socks. Can you say blister? I can. Ouch! So, that made the run slightly annoying, as I had to ignore the ache on my big toe. But overall, very good run! Another run tomorrow, 5 miles on saturday and then the Y-ME 5k on sunday. Should be a good week! Finally getting back on track!

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