Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I think I might be...

Anemic :( Either iron or B-12 deficient. Or both. That would totally explain why I feel so tired ALL the time lately. And I'm not just talking tired like I want to sleep an extra hour in the morning...I'm talking tired like I haven't done my dishes in 2 weeks! Can't get up the energy to go grocery shopping. My clothes are all over my floor of my room. I can't seem to do anything except drag my butt to work and back. It's slightly alarming!

When I first became a vegetarian, I was so excited! I went out and bought books, downloaded recipes, bought all kinds of weird things to add to my meals to get the right vitamins. Yeah, well, we knew that would come to an end sooner rather than later! And it did! I'm probably on the border of being a junk food vegetarian. Yikes! I'm pretty sure that is why I now am deficient in CRUCIAL vitamins. I'm obviously slow. Not to mention that training for the marathon cannot be done with this level of energy! I'm way behind on it! I hope that I can at least attack this issue in time to get caught up!

I wonder if I need to see a doctor or if I can just start trying to incorporate these things back into my diet and it will go away? Hmmmm...

Plus, I had an awful kink in my back for the past 2 weeks that was also adding to the training "fall behind". That seems to finally be almost gone. Must head to Whole Foods tonight and get some groceries. This is life or death. Marathon or no marathon!

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