Sunday, May 06, 2007

Starting Over

Neck finally all better, weather great, month-end close done. Nothing to come between me and running. With the little hiatus I took, I've decided it would be best to start the training program from the beginning again and try to catch up later. I posted on my training group forum asking if this was the best way to go and do you know what they said? NOTHING! Seriously, no replies. What did I pay my $85 for then? I'm tempted to ask for a refund and drop the group. I asked them if they would be having a seminar on heart-rate monitors because I didn't see it on the seminar list and they wrote back that if I knew someone who would be interested in doing it, they would love to have one. Again, aren't I paying them money to find these people? This group sucks.

Anyway, did 3 miles this morning. Decided to run through Lincoln Park because I figured it would be pretty empty on a sunday morning, given all the college kiddies that live there. I was wrong! I hate people dodging on the sidewalks. Surprising to me that on the night after Cinco de Mayo, everyone was up and moving so early. I know back in the day, I was up by then...but I was usually sitting on my couch inhaling a BK value meal :)

And I must say, lots of cute little male college kiddies out there! Despite the fact that I've never even come close to dating any of them, I'm really attracted to the preppy pretty boys. Lots of eye candy this morning. I kept wondering if I look like I'm almost 30. Can they tell that I am that much older than them? Although, loss of several coolness points for my sweat and red face while I run...guess I shouldn't even worry about how old they think I am! :)

Starting fun.

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