Friday, June 29, 2007
That is how many days left until the Marathon! I signed up when there were exactly 200 days left. So, it is officially the half-way point. I wish I felt like I was at a more successful place in my training. Another bad week. I've only run once! I have seriously been debating a short run tonight, but with 9 miles in the morning, I'm not sure if it would be a good or bad idea. 100 days...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
It's gettin' hot in huurrrrr
So hot! Seriously! My first conclusion when I thought of running after work yesterday was No Way Jose! Then the little guilt monster started kicking in and I figured I might as well give it a try. Bad idea! The humidity was ridiculous...I was sweating like a mofo out there in just 5 minutes. And this wasn't that triumphant, glistening runner's sweat. No, this was just hot, nasty, I haven't even done anything to earn it, sweat! Augh! It was gross and mentally challenging. I ran about 20 minutes and decided I had enough of it! Plus, I was running on the streets and the cars and smells and curb jumps were getting to me...gotta stick to the lake. When I got about 3/4 of a mile from the house, I'd cooled off a little and gave it another to. Ran the rest of the way. So, not a complete failure! Although, I'm sure I looked gorgeous when I was done!
I'll do a run tomorrow morning, then a short one Friday and then down to 9 miles on Saturday. Then the Race to the Taste 5k Sunday morning. Is that too much? Should I be running 4 days in a row? :) Jon - you really want to do those 9 with me on Saturday???
I'll do a run tomorrow morning, then a short one Friday and then down to 9 miles on Saturday. Then the Race to the Taste 5k Sunday morning. Is that too much? Should I be running 4 days in a row? :) Jon - you really want to do those 9 with me on Saturday???
Monday, June 25, 2007
Expected, but still Disappointing
So, after my two week break and only clocking 9 miles since, I still tried to run my scheduled 12 miler this weekend... Despite wanting to complete it with all my heart, my legs gave out first :( I forced myself to do ten, but I couldn't for the life of me push myself a step further! I can't even begin to tell you how disappointed I am that I didn't make it, even though it isn't that surprising with my injury break. But I wanted to think that I could at least mentally power myself through. That I could block out the fatigue. That I could ignore the aching foot. But alas, it was not to be.
My foot was in serious acheage all the rest of that day, but miraculously, it has been great ever since! Did it finally get that stretch it needed to calm down? I hope so!
I also volunteered at the Fleet Feet Hydration Station at North Ave on Sunday. At 6:45am. That was fun. It was cold (if you can believe it!) and balmy and no one was running. We were out there for an hour and a half before we closed up shop. It was really cool to interact with all the runners who did manage to stop by though. It is just crazy how they come in all shapes and sizes and ages, etc. Anyone can be a runner! I loved that! It was very motivational! Due to the early hour of the volunteering, I'll probably only do it here and there this summer, but it is definitely something I want to do again!
Wish me luck this week running in the high 80s, low 90s weather :(
My foot was in serious acheage all the rest of that day, but miraculously, it has been great ever since! Did it finally get that stretch it needed to calm down? I hope so!
I also volunteered at the Fleet Feet Hydration Station at North Ave on Sunday. At 6:45am. That was fun. It was cold (if you can believe it!) and balmy and no one was running. We were out there for an hour and a half before we closed up shop. It was really cool to interact with all the runners who did manage to stop by though. It is just crazy how they come in all shapes and sizes and ages, etc. Anyone can be a runner! I loved that! It was very motivational! Due to the early hour of the volunteering, I'll probably only do it here and there this summer, but it is definitely something I want to do again!
Wish me luck this week running in the high 80s, low 90s weather :(
Friday, June 22, 2007
Paid the Price
Boy, did I pay the price for my early rise yesterday. All afternoon I was head bobbing at my computer trying to keep from falling asleep. I knocked out right at 10pm and when my alarm went off this morning, I was still dead to the world! Whew! I guess that is gonna take some getting used to! I won't be seeing any sleeping in this weekend either. I have to get up for my Saturday run...although, its not going to get as hot as it has been, so rising to get to the 5:45am group run isn't as critical as I first thought. Then, Sunday I'm volunteering at the North Ave Fleet Feet hydration station...when I signed up I had no idea I would have to be there at 6:45am!!! After finding that out, I will only be volunteering once a month! :) Can't lose my entire weekend to running stuff!
Gonna take back my new shoes tonight because I think they are a half size too big and giving my blisters. They were really nice about that since I've already done a run in them. I also might try some speed work with my group on Tuesday. Maybe I do need to shoot for more than an 11 minute mile...although slow and steady is fine with me! I'd rather be slow and comfortable than fast and stressed! We'll see...
No real point to this blog except some general thoughts on the running tip. Happy Friday!
Gonna take back my new shoes tonight because I think they are a half size too big and giving my blisters. They were really nice about that since I've already done a run in them. I also might try some speed work with my group on Tuesday. Maybe I do need to shoot for more than an 11 minute mile...although slow and steady is fine with me! I'd rather be slow and comfortable than fast and stressed! We'll see...
No real point to this blog except some general thoughts on the running tip. Happy Friday!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
5:15am and on the move!
Yeah, you read that right...I actually got up at 5:15 this morning. And was out of the house at 5:40am. And ran 5 miles! I am not a morning person, as I'm sure you've heard me state here a million times over and I'm definitely not a morning runner. But with the heat creeping up the way it is, I know I have to make this a habit if I'm going to survive training through the summer.
The best part was that as I came through the tunnel onto the Lake Front path, there was no one on it! Seriously, one biker rode by and then again, no one. Then another biker, then no one. It wasn't until I got down towards Irving Park that I started to see people...that was such an odd experience. Usually, I'm dodging people left and right, cursing the people who walk on the little gravel pathway that I need to run on to save my knees from replacement, trying not to get run over by bike riders, etc. This morning was so the monologue in my mind about how much I hate running and how hard it is to run in the morning and how my foot was hurting and wouldn't it suck if that tendon just snapped right this moment and who would help me get home and...well, you get the picture :) Ipod...must remember to bring the Ipod!
Overall, I'm incredibly proud of myself for getting up, not quitting even when I wanted to and living through this pain in my foot. Maybe I need to call that doctor again...
The best part was that as I came through the tunnel onto the Lake Front path, there was no one on it! Seriously, one biker rode by and then again, no one. Then another biker, then no one. It wasn't until I got down towards Irving Park that I started to see people...that was such an odd experience. Usually, I'm dodging people left and right, cursing the people who walk on the little gravel pathway that I need to run on to save my knees from replacement, trying not to get run over by bike riders, etc. This morning was so the monologue in my mind about how much I hate running and how hard it is to run in the morning and how my foot was hurting and wouldn't it suck if that tendon just snapped right this moment and who would help me get home and...well, you get the picture :) Ipod...must remember to bring the Ipod!
Overall, I'm incredibly proud of myself for getting up, not quitting even when I wanted to and living through this pain in my foot. Maybe I need to call that doctor again...
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
After my injury hiatus and then that awful attempt at running on Saturday, I was very skeptical heading out last night. But guess what? It went great! I didn't start right exactly at a mile marker, but I know I clocked over 4 miles...a little more because I ran a short distance to the 2 mile marker and then turned around at the 4 miles marker and ran back to my starting point. The best part though, was that it was EASY! Seriously! It was a cake walk. Wasn't hot, wasn't out of breath, wasn't tired...just running the way a runner should! I really needed that to get my confidence back up that this break didn't knock me out of the game!
The downside though is that my foot is still hurting. It hurts right now :( I even wore the new shoes, but they didn't make much difference. I'm icing and physical therapying...might give the Doc a call to make sure that it is okay to keep running with the pain. I'm a warrior...I can do it!
The downside though is that my foot is still hurting. It hurts right now :( I even wore the new shoes, but they didn't make much difference. I'm icing and physical therapying...might give the Doc a call to make sure that it is okay to keep running with the pain. I'm a warrior...I can do it!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Hmmm...Not as planned
I decided to get out and run today. The goal was going to be 5 or 6 miles depending on the foot. I wasn't wearing the new shoes yet because they aren't broken in and I didn't want to go to far in the old ones. Almost immediately my foot began hurting. I noticed that if I landed more on the outside of my foot, it wasn't too bad so I tried to do that and keep going. Then the heat started to get to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah...I should have gotten up earlier. I guess there is a valid reason the group meets at 6:30am! It was only 10am, but it was about 85 degrees already. So, (drumroll, please) I went all of 2 miles before stopping! Hee was friggin' hot!!! And I hadn't run for 2 weeks...and my foot hurt...and, well, you get the picture!
And you know what else? I am pasty as hell! Oh, I was far from the only pasty individual out there showin' some skin this morning, but that doesn't make it any cuter! Skin cancer is in my family so I am definitely not a sun baby. Actually, I'm that person that has been having annual skin exams since I was 25. My dermatologist has measured the shape and size of every mark on my body...if something changes, she's gonna know. That makes me feel a little safer. But I'm gonna have to get my self tanner on soon. This ain't cute!
Since I haven't posted a photo in awhile, here is a random:

The little baby boo boo bear in her condo...yes, I call her lots of crazy names and yes, she is slowly eating her condo :) I could probably write a blog all its own on the ridiculous names I call this poor bunny. I think I get it from my mom. She always had all kinds of crazy names for me growing up. The best one? Poopy Lou. That's right, my mom used to call me Poopy Lou and I'd answer to it! That's a special relationship right there! The funny part is I call the bunny Poo Poo McGee sometimes. I have no idea where it came from, just popped out of my mouth one day and stuck. Maybe it comes from Poopy Lou...who knows?! I think I may have just revealed WAY too much about myself so let me end this :)
And you know what else? I am pasty as hell! Oh, I was far from the only pasty individual out there showin' some skin this morning, but that doesn't make it any cuter! Skin cancer is in my family so I am definitely not a sun baby. Actually, I'm that person that has been having annual skin exams since I was 25. My dermatologist has measured the shape and size of every mark on my body...if something changes, she's gonna know. That makes me feel a little safer. But I'm gonna have to get my self tanner on soon. This ain't cute!
Since I haven't posted a photo in awhile, here is a random:

The little baby boo boo bear in her condo...yes, I call her lots of crazy names and yes, she is slowly eating her condo :) I could probably write a blog all its own on the ridiculous names I call this poor bunny. I think I get it from my mom. She always had all kinds of crazy names for me growing up. The best one? Poopy Lou. That's right, my mom used to call me Poopy Lou and I'd answer to it! That's a special relationship right there! The funny part is I call the bunny Poo Poo McGee sometimes. I have no idea where it came from, just popped out of my mouth one day and stuck. Maybe it comes from Poopy Lou...who knows?! I think I may have just revealed WAY too much about myself so let me end this :)
Friday, June 15, 2007
Thumbs Up
The verdict is in! Dr. Foot Man said its just a tight tendon...or at least that is what I got out of all technical terms. I have to do some physical therapy to try to stretch it out and I'm not supposed to wear shoes that don't support my arch. Other than that, I'm A-Okay to run! I went straight to the running shoe store after the appointment and promptly ran into one of the running coaches for my group that I never run with :) And he recognized me...that was embarrassing! I was finding excuse after excuse as to why I haven't shown up! But, he still got me fitted in some new shoes and gave me some pointers on my running form after watching me run on the treadmill for awhile. All in all, the outlook is good and I WILL run this marathon!!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hello, Doctor?
I did it...I made an appointment with a podiatrist. Did I spell that right? Anyway, I figured it was the easiest way to feel comfortable hopping back on the wagon...or not, if the doctor has a good reason! I'll try to get new shoes tonight, as I think the mileage on my current pair may be at their its limit and then tomorrow afternoon I'll go have the ol' foot examined. Please don't let it be anything! Please just let him tell me to put on a brace and run until my heart is content! And please, oh please, once I start running again, don't let it be hard!
Note to self: Polish the toes tonight!!! :)
Note to self: Polish the toes tonight!!! :)
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I'm scared
Yeah, you heard me! I'm afraid to start running again. Every time I'm gearing up to go I start to feel like it's still sore, or too tight, or just plain old afraid I'm going to do something to aggrevate it! How do I get past this?! I know that I have to get out there and start again soon or I'm going to get too far behind. I am being silly...or am I? Augh!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Fingers Crossed
Well, it is Sunday. One whole week since the foot started hurting. It is feeling better, but not totally healed. I am going to start running tomorrow because I can't wait any longer! I hope this decision does not prove to be a huge mistake! Fingers crossed...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Injury Time
After being so proud about that 10 miles on Sunday, I was shot down pretty quick. I had noticed some very mild irritation in my arch while I was running and just tried to watch my stride so I wouldn't put excessive pressure on it. It felt pretty okay after the run. Then, that night, I was sitting cross-legged on the couch (with the bad foot being the foot under my leg) and when I stood up...holy moly, some pain! The bone that is the side of my arch was killing me! I made sure not to sit cross-legged for the rest of the night and went to bed.
That didn't fix it. And today, Thursday, after no running at all since, it is STILL sore! :( I'm worried it might be a stress fracture. I'm taking the week off, skipping my 12 miles this weekend and hoping that I can pick it back up next week. I wil be so, so, so, SO disappointed if I have to take off more time for this! Why, oh why do these things happen to me?! Just as I was finding my groove and the doubts about myself were dissolving! Augh! If anyone has suggestions for speeding recovery, let me know! I tried wearing a brace, but I swear that made it hurt more! Been iceing it at night and that makes it hurt too! My body is a mysterious thing :)
That didn't fix it. And today, Thursday, after no running at all since, it is STILL sore! :( I'm worried it might be a stress fracture. I'm taking the week off, skipping my 12 miles this weekend and hoping that I can pick it back up next week. I wil be so, so, so, SO disappointed if I have to take off more time for this! Why, oh why do these things happen to me?! Just as I was finding my groove and the doubts about myself were dissolving! Augh! If anyone has suggestions for speeding recovery, let me know! I tried wearing a brace, but I swear that made it hurt more! Been iceing it at night and that makes it hurt too! My body is a mysterious thing :)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
That Last Mile!
So, I had a weak week! Somehow, reaching my first benchmark in the training last weekend made me think I could take a break :) I only did one run this week! Bad girl! I was supposed to do my 10 mile run w/ my group yesterday, but stayed up WAY too late Friday night and could not drag my butt out of bed to go at 6:40am. Then, by the time I did get up, it was too hot out to be clockin' 10 miles. There was even a point yesterday where I was ready to bag the run entirely cuz I really wanted to go out last night. I haven't been out in weeks and I need to shake my butt!
My conscience got the best of me. I turned in early and got up this morning to run. I really, really, REALLY did not want to do it! Those last 3 miles were really difficult last weekend and the only thing that kept me running was that there was a clock at the end tracking my time. This time, there would be no clock...well, my watch, but only I would have to know. I was afraid I couldn't do it again, especially alone.
But I got out there to give it the ol' college try. And I did it! It never fails to amaze me how my body adapts and rises to the occasion for these runs! My mind definitely gives out way before my body starts to get exhausted. And despite the lack of running this week, this 10 miles was actually easier than last week! I didn't poop out until that last mile. But, don't trip, that last mile was brutal! Between Lawerence and Foster, it is a straight away and you can see the end...and how far away it is! And how not close you are getting, despite the fact that your feet seem to keep moving!
Maybe this is how it is going to be. Maybe it is never going to be easy to conquer that last mile. I can live with that as long as the rest of the run doesn't kill me!
My conscience got the best of me. I turned in early and got up this morning to run. I really, really, REALLY did not want to do it! Those last 3 miles were really difficult last weekend and the only thing that kept me running was that there was a clock at the end tracking my time. This time, there would be no clock...well, my watch, but only I would have to know. I was afraid I couldn't do it again, especially alone.
But I got out there to give it the ol' college try. And I did it! It never fails to amaze me how my body adapts and rises to the occasion for these runs! My mind definitely gives out way before my body starts to get exhausted. And despite the lack of running this week, this 10 miles was actually easier than last week! I didn't poop out until that last mile. But, don't trip, that last mile was brutal! Between Lawerence and Foster, it is a straight away and you can see the end...and how far away it is! And how not close you are getting, despite the fact that your feet seem to keep moving!
Maybe this is how it is going to be. Maybe it is never going to be easy to conquer that last mile. I can live with that as long as the rest of the run doesn't kill me!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Traffic Sucks
So much for the PUMA Pursuit yesterday! My friend left his house yesterday at 5:30 to pick me up in the Loop and get to Piper's Alley. We had an hour, didn't seem like this would be a problem. Traffic was so bad (I'm assuming it was due to the rain. Everyone always forgets how to drive when it rains) that he didn't even get into the Loop until about 6:10. Then, it took us about 20 minutes just to get across the river! We are talking 4 or 5 blocks! By the time we made it over to Piper's Alley and got parked, it was 5 minutes to 7pm! We tenatively walked into Fleet Feet on the slight chance we might still be able to do the run, but it was a no go! :( But I did get some new runner's socks! :) The light at the end of the tunnel! Haha... They are having 2 more PUMA Pursuits this summer so I already told my friend he is locked in for the next one! I WILL win some free shoes, dang it!
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