Friday, June 22, 2007

Paid the Price

Boy, did I pay the price for my early rise yesterday. All afternoon I was head bobbing at my computer trying to keep from falling asleep. I knocked out right at 10pm and when my alarm went off this morning, I was still dead to the world! Whew! I guess that is gonna take some getting used to! I won't be seeing any sleeping in this weekend either. I have to get up for my Saturday run...although, its not going to get as hot as it has been, so rising to get to the 5:45am group run isn't as critical as I first thought. Then, Sunday I'm volunteering at the North Ave Fleet Feet hydration station...when I signed up I had no idea I would have to be there at 6:45am!!! After finding that out, I will only be volunteering once a month! :) Can't lose my entire weekend to running stuff!

Gonna take back my new shoes tonight because I think they are a half size too big and giving my blisters. They were really nice about that since I've already done a run in them. I also might try some speed work with my group on Tuesday. Maybe I do need to shoot for more than an 11 minute mile...although slow and steady is fine with me! I'd rather be slow and comfortable than fast and stressed! We'll see...

No real point to this blog except some general thoughts on the running tip. Happy Friday!

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