Thursday, June 21, 2007

5:15am and on the move!

Yeah, you read that right...I actually got up at 5:15 this morning. And was out of the house at 5:40am. And ran 5 miles! I am not a morning person, as I'm sure you've heard me state here a million times over and I'm definitely not a morning runner. But with the heat creeping up the way it is, I know I have to make this a habit if I'm going to survive training through the summer.

The best part was that as I came through the tunnel onto the Lake Front path, there was no one on it! Seriously, one biker rode by and then again, no one. Then another biker, then no one. It wasn't until I got down towards Irving Park that I started to see people...that was such an odd experience. Usually, I'm dodging people left and right, cursing the people who walk on the little gravel pathway that I need to run on to save my knees from replacement, trying not to get run over by bike riders, etc. This morning was so the monologue in my mind about how much I hate running and how hard it is to run in the morning and how my foot was hurting and wouldn't it suck if that tendon just snapped right this moment and who would help me get home and...well, you get the picture :) Ipod...must remember to bring the Ipod!

Overall, I'm incredibly proud of myself for getting up, not quitting even when I wanted to and living through this pain in my foot. Maybe I need to call that doctor again...

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