And you know what else? I am pasty as hell! Oh, I was far from the only pasty individual out there showin' some skin this morning, but that doesn't make it any cuter! Skin cancer is in my family so I am definitely not a sun baby. Actually, I'm that person that has been having annual skin exams since I was 25. My dermatologist has measured the shape and size of every mark on my body...if something changes, she's gonna know. That makes me feel a little safer. But I'm gonna have to get my self tanner on soon. This ain't cute!
Since I haven't posted a photo in awhile, here is a random:

The little baby boo boo bear in her condo...yes, I call her lots of crazy names and yes, she is slowly eating her condo :) I could probably write a blog all its own on the ridiculous names I call this poor bunny. I think I get it from my mom. She always had all kinds of crazy names for me growing up. The best one? Poopy Lou. That's right, my mom used to call me Poopy Lou and I'd answer to it! That's a special relationship right there! The funny part is I call the bunny Poo Poo McGee sometimes. I have no idea where it came from, just popped out of my mouth one day and stuck. Maybe it comes from Poopy Lou...who knows?! I think I may have just revealed WAY too much about myself so let me end this :)
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