Thursday, June 07, 2007

Injury Time

After being so proud about that 10 miles on Sunday, I was shot down pretty quick. I had noticed some very mild irritation in my arch while I was running and just tried to watch my stride so I wouldn't put excessive pressure on it. It felt pretty okay after the run. Then, that night, I was sitting cross-legged on the couch (with the bad foot being the foot under my leg) and when I stood up...holy moly, some pain! The bone that is the side of my arch was killing me! I made sure not to sit cross-legged for the rest of the night and went to bed.

That didn't fix it. And today, Thursday, after no running at all since, it is STILL sore! :( I'm worried it might be a stress fracture. I'm taking the week off, skipping my 12 miles this weekend and hoping that I can pick it back up next week. I wil be so, so, so, SO disappointed if I have to take off more time for this! Why, oh why do these things happen to me?! Just as I was finding my groove and the doubts about myself were dissolving! Augh! If anyone has suggestions for speeding recovery, let me know! I tried wearing a brace, but I swear that made it hurt more! Been iceing it at night and that makes it hurt too! My body is a mysterious thing :)


Jeremy said...

Just a guess, but I'd bet you've got Plantar Faciitis. Very common running injury. I suffered from it after getting up past 16 miles. YOu can look it up, but ice is good for it. Also, stretching your calves is good. My doctor said tight calves/achilles tendon increases the chances of getting it. Also, you may need more arch support. I'd make sure your shoes are correct for your foot type and if so, try putting in arch/heel supports in the shoes you wear all day. Cut back on training for a bit. I laid off running entirely for 8 days and I was able to slowly come back into it. After starting back up I stopped every 2 miles to stretch my calves until I was sure that the pain wasn't coming back. I now use Sole inserts in my running shoes and that has helped tremendously.

Like I said, look it up to get specifically what stretches to do and what other things are suggested.

Jeremy said...

I heard people talking about how this plagued them for months, but I got very proactive about it and rolled my arch on a golf ball all day to stretch out the plantar tendon on the bottom of your foot. And iced several times a day and stretched calves multiple times a day. I think it is common after making large jumps in distance.