Tuesday, July 08, 2008

HYC Check In

I would really like to think that I'm going to make some serious changes this week. I am aiming to add a little more protein to my diet and get back into the workout groove. That week off made me lazy and unmotivated! I started the Push Ups Challenge over again last night and managed to max my last set at 5...that is one up from the first time I tried to max out that set! I think that is a good thing!

Tonight will be a simple 30 minute run...we'll see how motivated I am when I step out into these hot and humid temperatures! But, the show must go on...and that, folks, means that I must get my butt a movin'!

Oh! After my Garmin konking out on me not once, but TWICE, I took it down to the Garmin Store this weekend and found there was a software update for it that is supposed to fix that very glitch! I downloaded it, but since it didn't do it every run, I'll just have to cross my fingers that is it fixed. I have 15 miles as my long run this weekend and I'm scared sh*tless! I haven't run anything even remotely close to that in at least 6 weeks. The warm weather comes and all my success goes right down the drain! That stinks!


Anonymous said...

You'll do it! Good luck on that 15mile run! Keep us posted!

Ready Maid said...

One thing I've learned from HYC long-timers is we all go through waves of motivation.

One thing I've learned from Dr. Phil is willpower is a myth. He advocates programming your lifestyle in such a way there is always time for exercise, like this: "I will walk briskly three miles a day, four times a week, every week, in the morning before work."

When you can measure an outcome, he says your chances of success go way, way up because you can see in concrete detail how close you are to achieving your goal.

Sounds like you're on the right track. Keep plugging. You CAN do this!!