Saturday, July 05, 2008

Hello Again!

Wow...I can't believe I haven't written in so long...even if it is for a good reason! I won't go into the details of my trip home since no one (including me!) wants to relive the funeral and whatnot. I will say that it was a beautiful service and if we must say good-bye to someone so young, it was a wonderful way to have done it. Although, I may have been the most teary-eyed person there!

Got a chance to see my friends and meet my girl's 3 1/2 month old daughter. Too cute! Other than that, it was low key. Time to be with family and available to help out where ever I could. I managed to get in a 7 mile run, but that was it. Pretty disappointing, if I do say so myself! But, I have high hopes for a comeback!

I'd like to run 9 miles tomorrow, but 11 would be ideal. We'll have to see what my body is up for after all this laziness. I've been sleeping way too late every day that I've been back and that can only lead to big trouble come Monday morning! Tomorrow's run will at least force me to get up and beat the heat!

I think I'm going to try a few new things with my diet and also try to really incorporate some weight training. My push ups never got done while I was home, so I'll be starting back at Day 1 tomorrow :( Yipee! Fingers crossed that I'll find a little dedication and implement some of the things swimming around in this noggin!

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