Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Magic Number 6!

Oh yeah, baby! I just maxed out my final set of push ups at 6! Read it and weep!!!

Really though, that is a record for me! Not only have I never done 6 in a row, but I never expected to get there on my last set! And let me tell you...I had to work for the last one! That is good progress though and makes me excited for the next round.

Somehow, I seem to be subconsciously sabbotaging my running this week. First there was yesterday where I forgot to bring my running clothes to work. Then there is today where I brought my clothes, then decided to bring them home to run, but managed to forget my shoes at work! What is going on here?! This is really not good. At all. Shoot me now.


Anonymous said...

bravo on your pushup PB...keep it up.

As for the running...gotta get back on track Sis....I hope U have everything U need today to get a good one in!!

E said...

Nice job on the push ups!