This week's running has been non-existent...and by non-existent, I mean NON-EXISTENT! I have not run a single step since my 14-miler! Okay, I'm lying, I did make a little dash out to the car this morning, but that hardly seems like it will help my marathon. For those who do not know, I'm an accountant...and our 2008 budget was due today which meant many late nights at work this week...and in turn, no runs :(
But tonight, I'll be doing something different! I'm doing my first Critical Mass bike ride. I'll admit, this was not my idea. My friend roped me into it and I was only doing it because she asked me to. But now that I have a bike (had to borrow from a friend) and got a few laps up and down the street under my belt (I hadn't ridden a bike since probably my sophomore year in college!), I am totally excited! I don't have a helmet though so that could be scary. Other than that, I can't wait to get out there tonight! So, watch out drivers...we're coming through!!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
I really, really wanted to run 15 miles this weekend! But it turned out to be tougher than I thought! I didn't do a very good job of setting myself up for success from the start. My diet and hydration wasn't the greatest the day before and I stayed up too late that night. Therefore, I got out there later than I wanted to and had to endure the punishment of the sun :) Yeah, I'm red-faced today!
On my recent long runs, I've been using the 2 lap strategy. Doing an out and back twice instead of going WAY out and coming WAY back. Yesterday I decided to do just one out and back since I was definitely tiring of the scenery in the current route. First, I just have to say that the destruction to the trees on the lakefront path was incredible! I was driving on Lakeshore Drive during the storm so I saw it was pretty bad, but running passed it all firsthand was a different story!
All was going fairly well until I hit the North Ave to Ohio St stretch. For those of you who don't know, you go from running on this nice tree-lined dirt/sand path to running two long straight aways out in the open, cement, and lots of tourists everywhere getting in your way. It totals a mile and a half before you get back to some sort of non-commercial environment again. Going out was the worst...I felt like I'd been running forever, but the end looked no closer! I hate straight aways! Once I finally got through that part, I started to run into the Chicago Triathlon that was going on. After manuvering through people for a half mile, I gave up and turned around...I was only a half mile short so I figured I'd make it up on the way back. I was definitely getting tired and the sun was beating down on me.
The run back was not as bad mentally because, well, I was running towards being done :) But physically, it was very tough. I took some shot blocs, but they didn't seem to help much. Right before I got to 13 miles, I stopped at a water fountain and had to literally argue with myself to continue. I walked in small circles for at least a minute before I had convinced myself to keep least until the next water fountain. And I did. Then again, I walked for about a minute before convincing myself to get to the 14 mile marker. And I did. And then I convinced myself to keep going...until I got to the slightest of inclines...and then I threw in the towel! So, I made it 14 miles and some change!
I don't want to downplay this run because this is now the farthest distance I've ever run. It was definitely an accomplishment! But I need to be going farther, easier. I need to make this happen. I've got to commit to this...and I don't know why I say this every week and haven't made it happen yet! This is crunch time!
On my recent long runs, I've been using the 2 lap strategy. Doing an out and back twice instead of going WAY out and coming WAY back. Yesterday I decided to do just one out and back since I was definitely tiring of the scenery in the current route. First, I just have to say that the destruction to the trees on the lakefront path was incredible! I was driving on Lakeshore Drive during the storm so I saw it was pretty bad, but running passed it all firsthand was a different story!
All was going fairly well until I hit the North Ave to Ohio St stretch. For those of you who don't know, you go from running on this nice tree-lined dirt/sand path to running two long straight aways out in the open, cement, and lots of tourists everywhere getting in your way. It totals a mile and a half before you get back to some sort of non-commercial environment again. Going out was the worst...I felt like I'd been running forever, but the end looked no closer! I hate straight aways! Once I finally got through that part, I started to run into the Chicago Triathlon that was going on. After manuvering through people for a half mile, I gave up and turned around...I was only a half mile short so I figured I'd make it up on the way back. I was definitely getting tired and the sun was beating down on me.
The run back was not as bad mentally because, well, I was running towards being done :) But physically, it was very tough. I took some shot blocs, but they didn't seem to help much. Right before I got to 13 miles, I stopped at a water fountain and had to literally argue with myself to continue. I walked in small circles for at least a minute before I had convinced myself to keep least until the next water fountain. And I did. Then again, I walked for about a minute before convincing myself to get to the 14 mile marker. And I did. And then I convinced myself to keep going...until I got to the slightest of inclines...and then I threw in the towel! So, I made it 14 miles and some change!
I don't want to downplay this run because this is now the farthest distance I've ever run. It was definitely an accomplishment! But I need to be going farther, easier. I need to make this happen. I've got to commit to this...and I don't know why I say this every week and haven't made it happen yet! This is crunch time!
Friday, August 24, 2007
A slight delay
As you may or may not have heard, Chicago got bombarded last night by a HUGE storm. I was stuck on Lake Shore Drive for a good part of it and could hardly see the car in front of me with my wipers on hyperdrive. Trees were down all over the lakefront path. It was crazy! We had to drive through 6-8 inches of standing water more than once and I was having a panic attack! Once we got to my friend's house, we found that a tree was down blocking his entire street! One car was crushed. I've just never since anything like this first hand!
What I'm trying to say here is that running was the farthest thing from my mind last night! Pretty sure there will be no running tonight either, as storms are still in the forecast through tomorrow morning. I might do a short jaunt on the treadmill tonight and push my long run back to Sunday. I wonder what kind of shape the path will be long will it take them to clear all those trees?! Anyway, for you Chicago runners, stay safe out there!
What I'm trying to say here is that running was the farthest thing from my mind last night! Pretty sure there will be no running tonight either, as storms are still in the forecast through tomorrow morning. I might do a short jaunt on the treadmill tonight and push my long run back to Sunday. I wonder what kind of shape the path will be long will it take them to clear all those trees?! Anyway, for you Chicago runners, stay safe out there!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Bad Idea!
I had brought all my running clothes to work yesterday so that I could go straight to the lake when I got off. Going home tends to lead to excuses not to go back out :) As I begin changing, I realize that I did not pack all my clothes. No shirt! I knew I didn't want to go home to get one and that there was a spare COTTON T-shirt in my bad could it be, right?
Let me paint this picture for you: 6:30pm, sun still up, temp about 85, heat index somewhere in the 90's, me in a cotton shirt. NOT GOOD! Not only was I very quickly drenched in sweat, but that shirt was like a little capsule of heat! I could literally feel the heat trapped between me and it! I tried rolling the sleeves up to my shoulders and it worked for a little bit, but soon even that wasn't enough to keep me cool. I've never been so uncomfortable on a run in my life!! I went 4 miles and called it done. Walked the rest of the way back to the car with a few stints of running since the walk was talking forever!
I didn't want to be a quitter so was determined to head out this morning with the right gear and knock out what I was supposed to last night...Mother Nature had a different plan! A little before 4am, a HUGE storm rolled in and cracked the loudest thunder claps I've ever heard for over an hour. Let's just say that it made for 4 hours of sleep and running was the farthest thing from my mind! So, it looks like I'll end up trying to run in the ridiculous heat again, but at least this time I'll have the right gear on!
Let me paint this picture for you: 6:30pm, sun still up, temp about 85, heat index somewhere in the 90's, me in a cotton shirt. NOT GOOD! Not only was I very quickly drenched in sweat, but that shirt was like a little capsule of heat! I could literally feel the heat trapped between me and it! I tried rolling the sleeves up to my shoulders and it worked for a little bit, but soon even that wasn't enough to keep me cool. I've never been so uncomfortable on a run in my life!! I went 4 miles and called it done. Walked the rest of the way back to the car with a few stints of running since the walk was talking forever!
I didn't want to be a quitter so was determined to head out this morning with the right gear and knock out what I was supposed to last night...Mother Nature had a different plan! A little before 4am, a HUGE storm rolled in and cracked the loudest thunder claps I've ever heard for over an hour. Let's just say that it made for 4 hours of sleep and running was the farthest thing from my mind! So, it looks like I'll end up trying to run in the ridiculous heat again, but at least this time I'll have the right gear on!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I bought a book
I'm not sure what made me start searching for a marathon book...especially since I already have a couple John Bingham books that I've only cracked the first few chapters of...but none the less, I started searching. And whah-la! I think I found one that will be perfect for me! I do realize it is a BIT late in the game to be starting a new training book, but who cares!
The book I found is "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer", its written by two professors who taught a Marathon 101 class at a university. One is a professor in psychology and one is a professor in physical education...perfect combo for marathon help! And they say only one of the 200 students who took their class didn't successfully complete the marathon.
I really think what I'm looking to get out of this book is the psychological help. My mind is my biggest enemy right now...although my legs are a close second! Training schedules are a dime a dozen on the internet, but great skills and ideas for keeping your head in the game are harder to come by.
I've only read the intro so far cuz well, you know, I'm at work and I'm supposed to be working :) But I hope to really dive into it tonight and see what its all about. And maybe I need to looking to the Bingham books sitting on my shelf while I'm at it! I'm still waiting to see John out on the path one of these Saturday mornings...actually, I've probably passed him several times already...I'm not the most observant runner! And to be honest, most of those big training groups piss me off because they are not very considerate to individual runners. Here is a quick rant...
I realize that they are a large group, but that doesn't mean that they own the path! I don't know how many times a group passed me and literally ran me off the path...I was truly surprised at that since it seems that most runners are really supportive of each other. It didn't seem to matter if I was passing them or if they were passing me, they never failed to feel like I needed to be the one to get out of the way. I will add that there was an exception: One group that I kept playing leap frog with due to water stops was really nice and funny. The guys at the back of the pack were totally hilarious and making jokes with me and stuff. That is what I expect from other runners, not the "run me into the grass" stuff I usually see. End rant. :)
Back to the topic at hand...I'll keep you posted on my thoughts about this book. If I decide to run 2008, maybe this can be my guide from the start!
The book I found is "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer", its written by two professors who taught a Marathon 101 class at a university. One is a professor in psychology and one is a professor in physical education...perfect combo for marathon help! And they say only one of the 200 students who took their class didn't successfully complete the marathon.
I really think what I'm looking to get out of this book is the psychological help. My mind is my biggest enemy right now...although my legs are a close second! Training schedules are a dime a dozen on the internet, but great skills and ideas for keeping your head in the game are harder to come by.
I've only read the intro so far cuz well, you know, I'm at work and I'm supposed to be working :) But I hope to really dive into it tonight and see what its all about. And maybe I need to looking to the Bingham books sitting on my shelf while I'm at it! I'm still waiting to see John out on the path one of these Saturday mornings...actually, I've probably passed him several times already...I'm not the most observant runner! And to be honest, most of those big training groups piss me off because they are not very considerate to individual runners. Here is a quick rant...
I realize that they are a large group, but that doesn't mean that they own the path! I don't know how many times a group passed me and literally ran me off the path...I was truly surprised at that since it seems that most runners are really supportive of each other. It didn't seem to matter if I was passing them or if they were passing me, they never failed to feel like I needed to be the one to get out of the way. I will add that there was an exception: One group that I kept playing leap frog with due to water stops was really nice and funny. The guys at the back of the pack were totally hilarious and making jokes with me and stuff. That is what I expect from other runners, not the "run me into the grass" stuff I usually see. End rant. :)
Back to the topic at hand...I'll keep you posted on my thoughts about this book. If I decide to run 2008, maybe this can be my guide from the start!
Monday, August 20, 2007
I hate mornings!
I really, really do! My body was still pretty tired from the 13 miles I did on Saturday, but I knew I had to stick to my schedule this I crashed at my friend's pad so that I could wake up early and hit the path running. I went to bed at 11pm and boy did I pass out! That is how beat I still was from that run! Usually, I have a hard time sleeping in a bed other than my own...not last night. My head hit the pillow and it was over!
The alarm went off at 5am and it was still very dark out. That made it very difficult to even grasp the idea of getting out of the bed. At 5:15, I dragged myself to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. Didn't turn on any lights because I was still in some sort of denial about actually being awake. I ate in the dark. I sat and just watched the sky over the lake looking for something that resembled light. I started to pray the huge storm that hung around all night would somehow make its way back. No one would expect me to run in a monsoon...would they? But, that was a no go!
6am, I headed out. Holy Moly! My body was soooo tired! My muscles were screaming for me to stop from the jump! But I knew I just had to power through. The path was DEAD. I ran the whole straight away past the softball fields without a single person in sight! Spent a good part of the run dodging puddles and 4x4ing it through the grass. Maybe that is what kept me distracted and allowed me to go on much easier the farther into the run I got. Once I passed the 5 miles marker, something just happened. I ran that last mile like it was nothing! My speed was up, my movement was smooth, I wasn't winded. It was an excellent way to end the run!
The storm left it very humid out so I was sweating like a pig! But it was a great run for getting up at 5am. I am not a morning runner and I never will be. I hate mornings. I am dreading running tomorrow morning already, but I have to hold onto these small triumphs! And this morning was one.
The alarm went off at 5am and it was still very dark out. That made it very difficult to even grasp the idea of getting out of the bed. At 5:15, I dragged myself to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. Didn't turn on any lights because I was still in some sort of denial about actually being awake. I ate in the dark. I sat and just watched the sky over the lake looking for something that resembled light. I started to pray the huge storm that hung around all night would somehow make its way back. No one would expect me to run in a monsoon...would they? But, that was a no go!
6am, I headed out. Holy Moly! My body was soooo tired! My muscles were screaming for me to stop from the jump! But I knew I just had to power through. The path was DEAD. I ran the whole straight away past the softball fields without a single person in sight! Spent a good part of the run dodging puddles and 4x4ing it through the grass. Maybe that is what kept me distracted and allowed me to go on much easier the farther into the run I got. Once I passed the 5 miles marker, something just happened. I ran that last mile like it was nothing! My speed was up, my movement was smooth, I wasn't winded. It was an excellent way to end the run!
The storm left it very humid out so I was sweating like a pig! But it was a great run for getting up at 5am. I am not a morning runner and I never will be. I hate mornings. I am dreading running tomorrow morning already, but I have to hold onto these small triumphs! And this morning was one.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Second Time is a Charm!
This week's running has been less than stellar. After first claiming that I was more determined than ever to get back on track for the marathon, I dreaded every single run...and to be completely honest, I'm not sure I even made the mileage I set out for on any of them.
So, when I woke up this morning with my long run ahead of me...I pretty much rolled over and went back to sleep. When I finally did get up, I stalled and tried to make up a good excuse to not have to go at all. I mean, on of my ankle's is hurting a little...that's good enough, right?
But no, I went out there. I wanted to complete 13 miles straight without walking to prove to myself that I could do it, but I also told myself I would settle for 12 if I really couldn't do it. Let me tell you! It was by no means easy, but I did the 13 with no walking! That last mile was a shuffle at best and I don't even want to know what the pace was...but I didn't give up. I shuffled my way to the end! I am so proud of myself right now! Even though I'm definitely behind on the training and will surely have to walk portions of the marathon, if I can just keep building, I'll be happy. And right now? Right now I am happy! :)
So, when I woke up this morning with my long run ahead of me...I pretty much rolled over and went back to sleep. When I finally did get up, I stalled and tried to make up a good excuse to not have to go at all. I mean, on of my ankle's is hurting a little...that's good enough, right?
But no, I went out there. I wanted to complete 13 miles straight without walking to prove to myself that I could do it, but I also told myself I would settle for 12 if I really couldn't do it. Let me tell you! It was by no means easy, but I did the 13 with no walking! That last mile was a shuffle at best and I don't even want to know what the pace was...but I didn't give up. I shuffled my way to the end! I am so proud of myself right now! Even though I'm definitely behind on the training and will surely have to walk portions of the marathon, if I can just keep building, I'll be happy. And right now? Right now I am happy! :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
So, it wasn't all bad...
I may have been a little biased after the half when I wrote that last blog. I'm feeling much better now! Actually, I feel like I'm more determined than ever to make this marathon a success!
Here is the awesome medal we got for finishing:

And best of number had my name on it! Yeah!!

So, yeah, maybe it wasn't all bad.
Here is the awesome medal we got for finishing:

And best of number had my name on it! Yeah!!

So, yeah, maybe it wasn't all bad.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The Half
All I got to say right now is, That was ONLY half??? Holy crap. Put a fork in me, I'm done!
Things started off looking great. The hot weather that they had warned us about in an email sent Saturday never came. Luckily, I storm had rolled in about 4am and cooled everything off. We could not have had better weather for a race scheduled in mid-August!
The race started...and I was in a porta-potty. I kid you not. I ran for the starting area and luckily there were so many runners that my pace group was still nowhere near crossing the start line. Finally, get across and start running. I feel fine...immediately start passing up all the slow people that feel the need to line up in the front corrals. Water stations are placed very nicely, we are running through the Loop so we are shaded by all the buildings. Spectators on the corners. Things looking very good.
Mile 5 takes us out of the Loop and over towards the lake...this is where things begin to go downhill. First, at Mile 6, my Ipod battery dies. Dammit! Why didn't I think to charge it?! Let me just tell you that that sucker is charging off my computer as I sit here and write this! That will not happen again! No way Jose!!! Shortly thereafter, I feel the need to go to the bathroom. Runners, you know what I'm talking about and you know how distracting this becomes. I was pretty sure there would not be a restroom until after the turnaround so I was starting to freak out a little bit.
Miles 7 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!!! What the?! This is a huge race. How the hell do you run out of cups at a water station?! I keep running, no hydration. Mile 8 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!! I was about to lose it! I spotted one guy who had brought some cups of his own or something and quickly ran to him. I was lucky to get one of about the last 20 he had. Believe me, I held onto this cup because I was not going to have to skip another water break!
I'm now starting to feel tired. My feet hurt and my body is going through the motions, but not in a controlled powerful way...more in a survival way...just keep moving. The urge to go to the bathroom faded...but don't worry, it reared its ugly head again around Mile 10 :)
Those last few miles...I don't even know how I made it. I just kept moving for fear that if I stopped, I may never start again. It was bad. At the Mile 12 water stop, I decided it was time for a little walk. I walked about 1/4 mile before I picked it up again for the home stretch. As I got to the finish, all I could think was that if a marathon means doing twice this much, I don't want to do it! Seriously, I'm now dreading the marathon :( This is not good.
Things started off looking great. The hot weather that they had warned us about in an email sent Saturday never came. Luckily, I storm had rolled in about 4am and cooled everything off. We could not have had better weather for a race scheduled in mid-August!
The race started...and I was in a porta-potty. I kid you not. I ran for the starting area and luckily there were so many runners that my pace group was still nowhere near crossing the start line. Finally, get across and start running. I feel fine...immediately start passing up all the slow people that feel the need to line up in the front corrals. Water stations are placed very nicely, we are running through the Loop so we are shaded by all the buildings. Spectators on the corners. Things looking very good.
Mile 5 takes us out of the Loop and over towards the lake...this is where things begin to go downhill. First, at Mile 6, my Ipod battery dies. Dammit! Why didn't I think to charge it?! Let me just tell you that that sucker is charging off my computer as I sit here and write this! That will not happen again! No way Jose!!! Shortly thereafter, I feel the need to go to the bathroom. Runners, you know what I'm talking about and you know how distracting this becomes. I was pretty sure there would not be a restroom until after the turnaround so I was starting to freak out a little bit.
Miles 7 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!!! What the?! This is a huge race. How the hell do you run out of cups at a water station?! I keep running, no hydration. Mile 8 water stop. NO FREAKIN' CUPS!!! I was about to lose it! I spotted one guy who had brought some cups of his own or something and quickly ran to him. I was lucky to get one of about the last 20 he had. Believe me, I held onto this cup because I was not going to have to skip another water break!
I'm now starting to feel tired. My feet hurt and my body is going through the motions, but not in a controlled powerful way...more in a survival way...just keep moving. The urge to go to the bathroom faded...but don't worry, it reared its ugly head again around Mile 10 :)
Those last few miles...I don't even know how I made it. I just kept moving for fear that if I stopped, I may never start again. It was bad. At the Mile 12 water stop, I decided it was time for a little walk. I walked about 1/4 mile before I picked it up again for the home stretch. As I got to the finish, all I could think was that if a marathon means doing twice this much, I don't want to do it! Seriously, I'm now dreading the marathon :( This is not good.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Let's give 'em something to talk about!
Or, at least, I gave myself something to talk about! :) My awesome run tonight!! Granted it was only 4 miles and 4 miles SHOULD be a cake walk. But it isn't always. Sometimes 4 miles is 3 miles too long. Sometimes 4 miles feels more like 8. Sometimes 4 miles just doesn't seem worth the effort.
Oh, but tonight was different! Tonight, 4 miles was amazing! Somewhere in the first half mile I just started flying. I didn't even notice until I passed another runner...and then I was like, what pace am I keeping right now?! Granted, fast to me right now is about a 10 minute mile :) I wish I would have worn my watch! Dang it! Not only was my pace great, but I wasn't physically tired...and best of all, I never got mentally tired! Not once did I want to stop or have to talk myself out of going further.
I just ran. Plain and simple. I just ran.
Oh, but tonight was different! Tonight, 4 miles was amazing! Somewhere in the first half mile I just started flying. I didn't even notice until I passed another runner...and then I was like, what pace am I keeping right now?! Granted, fast to me right now is about a 10 minute mile :) I wish I would have worn my watch! Dang it! Not only was my pace great, but I wasn't physically tired...and best of all, I never got mentally tired! Not once did I want to stop or have to talk myself out of going further.
I just ran. Plain and simple. I just ran.
Monday, August 06, 2007
12 Miles...what does it mean?
I actually managed to run 12 miles on Saturday! I think I have set out twice before to reach this mileage and given up both times. But I did it! Here is the thing: I felt very confused afterwards. On the one hand, I felt great! I FINALLY managed to run 12 freakin' miles! I proved that I can pass the 10 mile wall I kept hitting! That made me realize that my mind is getting body, maybe a little :)
On the other hand, while it was great that I did it, those 12 miles were no walk in the park. The last 4 miles, specifically. I wanted to stop like you do not even know! I did two 6 mile it was 3 out and 3 back, twice. If I had done 6 out and back, I don't think I would have made it. By the time I was hitting 8 miles, it was ALL about the short goal game. And when I finished, I don't think I could have taken another step..let alone another mile, like the half marathon this Sunday.
So, what does this mean? I feel great to have a successful run, but I also feel exhausted and stressed. I hate how hard it is to stay mentally focused on the long runs. And to think, I have to run twice that?! I know a marathon isn't supposed to be easy. That is why most people will never run one. But, man!! I can't lose focus has to be all or nothing for the next 2 months. Can I do it?
On the other hand, while it was great that I did it, those 12 miles were no walk in the park. The last 4 miles, specifically. I wanted to stop like you do not even know! I did two 6 mile it was 3 out and 3 back, twice. If I had done 6 out and back, I don't think I would have made it. By the time I was hitting 8 miles, it was ALL about the short goal game. And when I finished, I don't think I could have taken another step..let alone another mile, like the half marathon this Sunday.
So, what does this mean? I feel great to have a successful run, but I also feel exhausted and stressed. I hate how hard it is to stay mentally focused on the long runs. And to think, I have to run twice that?! I know a marathon isn't supposed to be easy. That is why most people will never run one. But, man!! I can't lose focus has to be all or nothing for the next 2 months. Can I do it?
Friday, August 03, 2007
Bad Nicole
After such a triumphant Wednesday, I failed to drag myself out of bed for 6 miles this morning! I'm so mad at myself right now. Why is it so hard for me to get up early? I keep thinking that someday I'm going to break the cycle, but it doesn't seem to be happening! I have 12 miles tomorrow and with high temps and thunderstorms in the evening, it can only be done in the morning. Which means it probably isn't a good idea to try to make up those 6 miles tonight. Dang it! I'm kicking myself right now! Especially, because my marathon friend gave me a long speech last night about how I should train to make the marathon a cake walk, not settle for training just enough to be able to finish. That this doesn't have to be as hard as I'm making it. That I should want more than that. And I did...until 5am when my alarm went off. Then I was right back ready to settle :)
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I went, I ran, I conquered!
I had 7 miles on the agenda last night...uh, did anyone see how hot it was at 7:30? It was still eighty-freakin'-three degrees! I sat and debated. Drive to the lake, hope for a nice breeze, get caught in knat swarms, hope I don't get jumped in the dark OR run 3/4 miles to the gym, clock 5.5 miles on the dreadmill, run 3/4 miles home. Hmmmm...neither one of those sounded much fun. Got my running clothes on cuz you know sometimes that is enough to make me feel guilty about not going at all :) And I decided to give the gym plan a try. I told myself that I would just run for as long as I could on the dreadmill without going insane.
I leave the house with towel and water bottle in hand. I don't usually carry anything when I run so this quickly became annoying! Didn't feel too bad with the sun down so things were looking good. Just as I'm approaching the gym and reach to my pocket for my card...dun dun dun! card is not there! Fell out while I was running! Oh brother!!!! Back-track I go! Crossing my fingers and hoping that it isn't sitting a block from my house, I manage to luck out and see it sitting smack dab in the middle of Ashland!!! Traffic zooming all around it! When the signal turned to walk, I ran out and grabbed it and headed back to the gym, which luckily wasn't that far.
Run straight for the first treadmill I see so that my heart rate doesn't slow down too much and I am pleasantly surprised to find that they have upgraded their equipment and gotten the treadmills with the fans on them! Yes!!! Air happily blowing on me, running at a 10:30 pace, I'm feeling stupendous! About 20 minutes in, I'm a bit less stupendous. By 35 minutes in, I'm debating myself about getting off. Fan or not, I've decided I still hate the treadmill! I tell myself to make it to 4 miles and then I can re-evaluate. By the time I get to 4 miles, I'm getting my second wind and start playing the short goal game. Just get to 50 minutes. Just do 2 more laps...yeah, it also had a little visual track and showed you going around it. And lo and behold...I did the full 60 minutes!!! I hopped off, gulped down some water and headed out for the run home.
My legs felt like jello because the motion of running on real ground is way different than on the felt really weird to run and I wasn't trusting my legs much! I cross Ashland, not more than 50 feet from the intersection and I hear my key fall out of my pocket!!! What is going on with my pocket today?! By now, it is dark. I cannot find my key to save my life! I'm looking under cars, all over the side walk, over this little ledge that leads to a parking lot. I'm starting to panic! Finally, a car comes driving by and the headlights pass over something shiny. My key! Thank you!!! I kid you not, I was looking for about 5 minutes, even took off my Ipod like somehow it might help if I could hear my maybe it would yell, "Over here!"
By now, the running vibe is dead. I try to muster a little something and run to Elston and catch the red light. I figure that is my sign to just walk the remaining 1/4 mile. Overall, I am extremely proud of myself for staying on that treadmill and getting my planned run done. The weather can no longer be an excuse. I have to train and train right! I just hope that there will be more days that feel this good!
I leave the house with towel and water bottle in hand. I don't usually carry anything when I run so this quickly became annoying! Didn't feel too bad with the sun down so things were looking good. Just as I'm approaching the gym and reach to my pocket for my card...dun dun dun! card is not there! Fell out while I was running! Oh brother!!!! Back-track I go! Crossing my fingers and hoping that it isn't sitting a block from my house, I manage to luck out and see it sitting smack dab in the middle of Ashland!!! Traffic zooming all around it! When the signal turned to walk, I ran out and grabbed it and headed back to the gym, which luckily wasn't that far.
Run straight for the first treadmill I see so that my heart rate doesn't slow down too much and I am pleasantly surprised to find that they have upgraded their equipment and gotten the treadmills with the fans on them! Yes!!! Air happily blowing on me, running at a 10:30 pace, I'm feeling stupendous! About 20 minutes in, I'm a bit less stupendous. By 35 minutes in, I'm debating myself about getting off. Fan or not, I've decided I still hate the treadmill! I tell myself to make it to 4 miles and then I can re-evaluate. By the time I get to 4 miles, I'm getting my second wind and start playing the short goal game. Just get to 50 minutes. Just do 2 more laps...yeah, it also had a little visual track and showed you going around it. And lo and behold...I did the full 60 minutes!!! I hopped off, gulped down some water and headed out for the run home.
My legs felt like jello because the motion of running on real ground is way different than on the felt really weird to run and I wasn't trusting my legs much! I cross Ashland, not more than 50 feet from the intersection and I hear my key fall out of my pocket!!! What is going on with my pocket today?! By now, it is dark. I cannot find my key to save my life! I'm looking under cars, all over the side walk, over this little ledge that leads to a parking lot. I'm starting to panic! Finally, a car comes driving by and the headlights pass over something shiny. My key! Thank you!!! I kid you not, I was looking for about 5 minutes, even took off my Ipod like somehow it might help if I could hear my maybe it would yell, "Over here!"
By now, the running vibe is dead. I try to muster a little something and run to Elston and catch the red light. I figure that is my sign to just walk the remaining 1/4 mile. Overall, I am extremely proud of myself for staying on that treadmill and getting my planned run done. The weather can no longer be an excuse. I have to train and train right! I just hope that there will be more days that feel this good!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
And one more thing...
After a few runs now where I've had the chance to stop at a hydration station and mix some water up with Gatorade (vs. just using water fountains to hydrate), I seem to get tummy aches. I can only assume this is from the Gatorade, as that has been the only difference in my runs. I bought some shot blocs, but haven't tried them yet. Will this be sufficient for electrolyte replacement on those longer runs? Has Gu worked better for people? I've never used this type of replacement product so I'm curious as to people's reactions to them. Thanks for any info you can offer!
Thank You, Bloggers!
This has been far from an easy ride so far! There have been triumphant moments, but more often than not, it has been rough going. I've questioned my ability, my heart, my will and my sanity :) There have been moments (like right now) where I just cannot wait to feel what it will be like to cross that finish line...I have no doubt in my mind that there will be tears involved! There have been moments where I wanted to quit and never have to run again. There have been runs where I couldn't have been prouder of myself for getting out there and getting the job done. And there have been runs where I walked halfway home. It has been such a rollercoaster and such a mixed bag that its hard to tell where the next turn will lead.
But you know the one consistent part? Being inspired by all the other Chicago Marathon Bloggers out there! Yes, there are a few blogs I stalk nearly daily! Not only has it helped me to read where you all are at in your training right now, but your archives are my oasis! Most of you ran your first Chicago Marthon last year, so going back through your archives and seeing where you were in your training at the point that I'm at in mine now has been a life saver at times! To know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. That its okay to miss some runs. That injuries can be worked through. That the heat will not kill us. Because you all went through these things too...and you all crossed that finish line last year!
Thank you, Bloggers and keep writing!!!!
But you know the one consistent part? Being inspired by all the other Chicago Marathon Bloggers out there! Yes, there are a few blogs I stalk nearly daily! Not only has it helped me to read where you all are at in your training right now, but your archives are my oasis! Most of you ran your first Chicago Marthon last year, so going back through your archives and seeing where you were in your training at the point that I'm at in mine now has been a life saver at times! To know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. That its okay to miss some runs. That injuries can be worked through. That the heat will not kill us. Because you all went through these things too...and you all crossed that finish line last year!
Thank you, Bloggers and keep writing!!!!
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