Thursday, August 02, 2007

I went, I ran, I conquered!

I had 7 miles on the agenda last night...uh, did anyone see how hot it was at 7:30? It was still eighty-freakin'-three degrees! I sat and debated. Drive to the lake, hope for a nice breeze, get caught in knat swarms, hope I don't get jumped in the dark OR run 3/4 miles to the gym, clock 5.5 miles on the dreadmill, run 3/4 miles home. Hmmmm...neither one of those sounded much fun. Got my running clothes on cuz you know sometimes that is enough to make me feel guilty about not going at all :) And I decided to give the gym plan a try. I told myself that I would just run for as long as I could on the dreadmill without going insane.

I leave the house with towel and water bottle in hand. I don't usually carry anything when I run so this quickly became annoying! Didn't feel too bad with the sun down so things were looking good. Just as I'm approaching the gym and reach to my pocket for my card...dun dun dun! card is not there! Fell out while I was running! Oh brother!!!! Back-track I go! Crossing my fingers and hoping that it isn't sitting a block from my house, I manage to luck out and see it sitting smack dab in the middle of Ashland!!! Traffic zooming all around it! When the signal turned to walk, I ran out and grabbed it and headed back to the gym, which luckily wasn't that far.

Run straight for the first treadmill I see so that my heart rate doesn't slow down too much and I am pleasantly surprised to find that they have upgraded their equipment and gotten the treadmills with the fans on them! Yes!!! Air happily blowing on me, running at a 10:30 pace, I'm feeling stupendous! About 20 minutes in, I'm a bit less stupendous. By 35 minutes in, I'm debating myself about getting off. Fan or not, I've decided I still hate the treadmill! I tell myself to make it to 4 miles and then I can re-evaluate. By the time I get to 4 miles, I'm getting my second wind and start playing the short goal game. Just get to 50 minutes. Just do 2 more laps...yeah, it also had a little visual track and showed you going around it. And lo and behold...I did the full 60 minutes!!! I hopped off, gulped down some water and headed out for the run home.

My legs felt like jello because the motion of running on real ground is way different than on the felt really weird to run and I wasn't trusting my legs much! I cross Ashland, not more than 50 feet from the intersection and I hear my key fall out of my pocket!!! What is going on with my pocket today?! By now, it is dark. I cannot find my key to save my life! I'm looking under cars, all over the side walk, over this little ledge that leads to a parking lot. I'm starting to panic! Finally, a car comes driving by and the headlights pass over something shiny. My key! Thank you!!! I kid you not, I was looking for about 5 minutes, even took off my Ipod like somehow it might help if I could hear my maybe it would yell, "Over here!"

By now, the running vibe is dead. I try to muster a little something and run to Elston and catch the red light. I figure that is my sign to just walk the remaining 1/4 mile. Overall, I am extremely proud of myself for staying on that treadmill and getting my planned run done. The weather can no longer be an excuse. I have to train and train right! I just hope that there will be more days that feel this good!

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