Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Thank You, Bloggers!

This has been far from an easy ride so far! There have been triumphant moments, but more often than not, it has been rough going. I've questioned my ability, my heart, my will and my sanity :) There have been moments (like right now) where I just cannot wait to feel what it will be like to cross that finish line...I have no doubt in my mind that there will be tears involved! There have been moments where I wanted to quit and never have to run again. There have been runs where I couldn't have been prouder of myself for getting out there and getting the job done. And there have been runs where I walked halfway home. It has been such a rollercoaster and such a mixed bag that its hard to tell where the next turn will lead.

But you know the one consistent part? Being inspired by all the other Chicago Marathon Bloggers out there! Yes, there are a few blogs I stalk nearly daily! Not only has it helped me to read where you all are at in your training right now, but your archives are my oasis! Most of you ran your first Chicago Marthon last year, so going back through your archives and seeing where you were in your training at the point that I'm at in mine now has been a life saver at times! To know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this. That its okay to miss some runs. That injuries can be worked through. That the heat will not kill us. Because you all went through these things too...and you all crossed that finish line last year!

Thank you, Bloggers and keep writing!!!!

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