Monday, August 06, 2007

12 Miles...what does it mean?

I actually managed to run 12 miles on Saturday! I think I have set out twice before to reach this mileage and given up both times. But I did it! Here is the thing: I felt very confused afterwards. On the one hand, I felt great! I FINALLY managed to run 12 freakin' miles! I proved that I can pass the 10 mile wall I kept hitting! That made me realize that my mind is getting body, maybe a little :)

On the other hand, while it was great that I did it, those 12 miles were no walk in the park. The last 4 miles, specifically. I wanted to stop like you do not even know! I did two 6 mile it was 3 out and 3 back, twice. If I had done 6 out and back, I don't think I would have made it. By the time I was hitting 8 miles, it was ALL about the short goal game. And when I finished, I don't think I could have taken another step..let alone another mile, like the half marathon this Sunday.

So, what does this mean? I feel great to have a successful run, but I also feel exhausted and stressed. I hate how hard it is to stay mentally focused on the long runs. And to think, I have to run twice that?! I know a marathon isn't supposed to be easy. That is why most people will never run one. But, man!! I can't lose focus has to be all or nothing for the next 2 months. Can I do it?


Tim McLain said...

Next time you run a long run, every step you take after 12 miles will be the furthest you've run this year. That's an amazing feeling. It keeps the feet pounding adding step, step, step. . . . . .

Tim McLain said...
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