Friday, August 24, 2007

A slight delay

As you may or may not have heard, Chicago got bombarded last night by a HUGE storm. I was stuck on Lake Shore Drive for a good part of it and could hardly see the car in front of me with my wipers on hyperdrive. Trees were down all over the lakefront path. It was crazy! We had to drive through 6-8 inches of standing water more than once and I was having a panic attack! Once we got to my friend's house, we found that a tree was down blocking his entire street! One car was crushed. I've just never since anything like this first hand!

What I'm trying to say here is that running was the farthest thing from my mind last night! Pretty sure there will be no running tonight either, as storms are still in the forecast through tomorrow morning. I might do a short jaunt on the treadmill tonight and push my long run back to Sunday. I wonder what kind of shape the path will be long will it take them to clear all those trees?! Anyway, for you Chicago runners, stay safe out there!

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