Saturday, August 18, 2007

Second Time is a Charm!

This week's running has been less than stellar. After first claiming that I was more determined than ever to get back on track for the marathon, I dreaded every single run...and to be completely honest, I'm not sure I even made the mileage I set out for on any of them.

So, when I woke up this morning with my long run ahead of me...I pretty much rolled over and went back to sleep. When I finally did get up, I stalled and tried to make up a good excuse to not have to go at all. I mean, on of my ankle's is hurting a little...that's good enough, right?

But no, I went out there. I wanted to complete 13 miles straight without walking to prove to myself that I could do it, but I also told myself I would settle for 12 if I really couldn't do it. Let me tell you! It was by no means easy, but I did the 13 with no walking! That last mile was a shuffle at best and I don't even want to know what the pace was...but I didn't give up. I shuffled my way to the end! I am so proud of myself right now! Even though I'm definitely behind on the training and will surely have to walk portions of the marathon, if I can just keep building, I'll be happy. And right now? Right now I am happy! :)

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