Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Let's give 'em something to talk about!

Or, at least, I gave myself something to talk about! :) My awesome run tonight!! Granted it was only 4 miles and 4 miles SHOULD be a cake walk. But it isn't always. Sometimes 4 miles is 3 miles too long. Sometimes 4 miles feels more like 8. Sometimes 4 miles just doesn't seem worth the effort.

Oh, but tonight was different! Tonight, 4 miles was amazing! Somewhere in the first half mile I just started flying. I didn't even notice until I passed another runner...and then I was like, what pace am I keeping right now?! Granted, fast to me right now is about a 10 minute mile :) I wish I would have worn my watch! Dang it! Not only was my pace great, but I wasn't physically tired...and best of all, I never got mentally tired! Not once did I want to stop or have to talk myself out of going further.

I just ran. Plain and simple. I just ran.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could you hear the Rocky theme music as you were flying by people?? I am so proud of oyu..and this is so fantastic with you gaining motivation and providing such solid inspiration for me. And we pass it on from there.

EYE of the TIGER!!!!