Friday, June 27, 2008

Some Serious Willpower!

Okay, okay...and a little guilt or something! I skipped out on my 45 minute run on Wednesday and blamed the heat. My plan was to get up and do it Thursday morning before it got hot. That didn't happen. Then I brought all my gear to work, figuring I'd just knock it out on the treadmill after work. Yeah, I got in my car and drove straight home. As I sat on the couch watching the clock near 8pm, I started to feel just the tinsiest bit guilty that I didn't run. I mean, I do have an 11-miler to knock out on Sunday that Portland/Vancouver Fit has so graciously allowed me to run with them.

So, with a heat index of 84 degrees, I hit the road, jack! In an effort not to kill myself, I took it nice and slow and told myself that I would stop if I started to really feel like it was too hot. Luckily, the pace helped a ton and I got the whole 45 minutes done at an average of 10:07/mile! There were only a handful of crazies out there, like me...usually you can't go 2 blocks without coming across another runner...I think I only saw 4 other runners the whole trip! Oh, but I did have the company of the lightning bugs and I love them! With those also came the little swarmy bugs that you can't see until its too late...I few of which I managed to spit out...and a few of which I'm pretty sure I ate. Yum.

I also did Day 2, Week 1 of the Pushups was tough, but I got it done! I'm thinking my pride will push me through to Week 2, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to repeat it before I can move on to Week 3!

The crazy part is that I feel so much more fit than a few months ago, but there really isn't any proof. The scale still won't budge, I don't see any changes to my appearance (although I swear the thighs of all my pants feel a little looser), I just seem to be building muscle that is all hidden away until my fattie layers :( If I can even manage to get 5 pounds off this summer, I swear, I'm throwing myself a party!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss lighting bugs we dont have them here in my part of texas like we did in ohio