Monday, March 05, 2007

A sign of good things

Day 6

Walk 3 miles
Run 10 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
3 minutes cool down

Walk Pace: 3.5 - 4.2 mph
Run Pace: 5.5 mph

Time: 63 minutes
Distance: 4.4 miles

The real workout was to do 10 intervals of running for 30 seconds and walking for 1 minute. On a treadmill, that would have 1) been too much of a pain to keep playing with the speed and 2) made the people on the treadmills around me think I'm crazy :) So, I opted to just run for 10 straight minutes. I brought my speed down to 5.5 mph from 6.0, as I mentioned I might do. It made all the difference! I know I wasn't supposed to have any expectations for myself, but it is hard not to when you know what you were once capable of. But, I will be humble and run slow until I work my way back up!

Yesterday was another off day and I found myself itching to get up and move. Like I should at least go out and go for a walk or something. I love that feeling! It's motivating to see myself already getting in that kind of mind set! Yeah, I know, only 1 week in...31 weeks to go! But, every little thing counts when you've been sitting on your butt all winter watching TV. And knitting. Did I tell you that I knit? Yeah, it's the perfect excuse to sit on the couch all weekend!

Right now, I'm so psyched. I know I'm taking it slow and soon I'll actually be running all the time, but I can barely wait until then! I can't wait for that triumphant feeling when each long run becomes the longest you've ever done. And when you have those days where you totally don't want to go out and do it, but you do and when you are done you feel so proud of yourself! I just can't wait for all of this! But, most of all, I can't wait for warm weather :) The treadmill will be the death of me if I can't get outside soon. And no, I am just not one of those people who will put on 3 layers and 4 hats and brave the elements :) Can't do it.

1 comment:

Michal The Joggler Kapral said...

Spring will feel that much better after you've slogged through the winter.

I'm training to regain my world record for fastest "joggling" marathon (running while juggling) outside in Toronto through snowstorms, so I feel your pain, though I prefer the outdoors to the treadmill even when the weather is horrible.

Keep up the training,

Michal "The Joggler" Kapral
The Bloggling Joggler