Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Lazy...and busy :)

Why is running always on the bottom of my to do list these days? I hate it, but at the same time, it's never enough for me to squeeze it in! Dang me! Here is my current week:

Monday - Packers in Monday Night Football, had to get home in time!
Tuesday - Had to bake cupcakes for the Halloween Potluck, buy decorations for it and rent a horror flick to play during. Yeah, it's great being the Chairperson (Ahem...sole member...) of the Social Committee at work!
Wednesday - Halloween! And got had to drop a friend off home on the way back from work and I didn't make it in the door until 8pm.

As I've said a million times, tomorrow is it! I'm gonna be good! I swear!

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