Thursday, June 19, 2008

Oh, the humiliation!

So...last night I had to do the "push up test" so see what program I need to start on. Um, yeah. I did 4. You read that right...4. Obviously, I do not work my upper body much! I went down for the 5th one and there was no getting back up. It was actually quite funny to me. But this is good, it will give me something other than running to think about. And maybe even inspire me to do my pilates video a few times a week like I keep saying I will.

Yesterday's mini-goal was a success! I had NO CHOCOLATE all day! One of my co-worker's even offered me an ice cream cone treat that had chocolate on it and I turned it down. Well, it is waiting in the freezer for me to have today :) But still! I turned it down yesterday! Cut me some slack here!

Today's mini-goal will be to eat 5 small meals throughout the day.

My co-worker's father-in-law passed away yesterday morning and since we are a department of two, that leaves me, and only me to man the fort. Which means 10 hour days and working on Saturday until she gets back next Wednesday :( I have a feeling this is going to leave me quite unmotivated to run after work, but I'll have to find it within myself somewhere to get my butt out there! The weather looks questionable again this weekend, but there is no skipping out on the 13.1 again. I'll just have to get out there no matter what!

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