Saturday, June 21, 2008

Whirlwind couple of days

Wow...a lot seems to have transpired since just a couple of days ago.

I was MIA yesterday because Thursday night my mom called me to tell me that someone close to our family died. He was young (in his 20s) and while its hard to deal with anyone's death, I'm not sure anything can prepare you to lose someone so young. I was even more shocked when my mom phoned again last night and said that the police are now looking into it as a possible homicide. Needless to say, it has been a difficult 36 hours.

Of course, I have to go home for his services and to support his family. As I mentioned in my last post, my co-worker is out on bereavement leave herself so that complicates matters at work. Being the manager of this department, I don't feel I can just up and leave it without a handle on the staffing. So, I'm hoping I can fly out Tuesday night since my co-worker should be back on Wednesday. I'll just have to have her close down the office early each day and we may have to be closed on Saturday. I don't know, I can't even think it through very clearly at this point.

That said, I got a great run in Thursday before I was dealt this bad news. All my miles were under 10 minutes and that was nice to see since it doesn't seem to be happening as often as it was a month ago. I'm waiting until Monday to officially start my Hundred Pushups Challenge, but I've been trying to prepare myself a little by doing wall pushups and actually trying to do a few real pushups here and there. I still can't believe how hard they are!

It looks like the weather is going to work in my favor tomorrow so the 13.1 will happen! It will be very nice to get it out of the way and be able to move forward with the training. I'm excited. I obviously don't know how the running will work out next week since I'll be in Portland, but I'll just have to play it by ear!

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