Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rise and Shine!

Yes, with summer upon us, I have to start the morning runs. So, here were the things I did to make sure I would be up and ready this morning to kick out a 35 minute run:

Sleep on the couch. Why? Because it is bright as hell in my livingroom at 5am and the bunny is up and rowdy so she'll often times jump on me and wake me up.

Have a friend call at 5:30am and give me a good morning pep talk. This is much better than any alarm because you can't hit snooze and it forces your mind into action.

Turn off the AC. The less comfortable you are, the less likely you are to want to stay in bed.

Go to bed early. Yeah right! That didn't happen...

Miraculously, it worked and I was out the door by a little after 6am. The first mile felt great! I was cruisin' along enjoying the beautiful morning. Mile two, not so great. Started to feel a bit fatigued already! I guess I used up what little energy I had in that first mile! :) Still, I finished the run in good time and was glad to have it over with for the day.

I am dragging a bit now, but hopefully my body will adapt!


E said...

Good for you for getting out there so early! I was not so lucky today, but there is always tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

BRAVO for getting up and getting after it!!