Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The first bump in the road

It's by no means anything major, but I skipped my first run today. I will make it up this week, but I just couldn't get it in. I've been going into work early and/or staying late each night for various fund raiser activities for our Y-ME team and I'm absolutely exhausted!

I went in this morning an hour early to prep for our "student" fund raiser and I basically ended up spending a good part of my day running all over to help with things. BUT, we did raise over $850! Then, when I was finally "off" at 6pm, I had to do another employee's office for our Pink'd fund raiser. I finally got done at 7:30 and just decided the gym was not in my future tonight. I want to be home at a decent hour one night and relax! I feel my back pain acting up from the stress already!

At least the major fund raising projects are almost over...that is until our Vegas Night in May! Woo Hoo!

Let's see...I also had my first "bad" run of the season last night. You know that one that feels so hard? And you think it's just because you aren't warmed up yet, but as the minutes tick by, it never gets any easier or more comfortable? Yeah, that was it! I'm assuming its cuz I'm tired and worn out. Which is why I don't feel all that guilty for skipping today. I know when my body is trying to tell me something!

So, I'll make it up tomorrow and do a little switching around and it'll be all good. Except the part where I have to do my Sunday 5 miler on the treadmill cuz of the weather. Yuck!

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