Monday, April 14, 2008

Off-Topic: Event Ideas

The past few years for our "big" Y-ME event, we've had a Pink Drink fund raiser in conjunction with a local restaurant in which they serve special pink drinks all night and we get a piece of the proceeds. Last year did not turn out so stellar. So, back to the drawing board we went. We came up with the fantabulous idea to have a Vegas Night here at the school. After much internet hunting, and finally a call to the Illinois Charitable Gaming Dept, that is pretty much off the table...unless we want to go around breaking laws. Which I just don't think quite goes hand in hand with charity! It really is a shame that they make it so difficult to hold a charity gaming event! It's a great idea!

So, the question I pose to you is what other event could we hold that would fun, entertaining and possibly bring out that competitive nature in people? It would be held mid to late May, so outdoors is an option. We have a budget that will cover food and beverages, but overhead should be kept fairly low. And for those who are wondering, no, a dunk tank is not out of the question :) Any ideas you have would be much appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you work for YME? I ran for YME team in 2006. I wish I had good ideas for you, but I'm not very creative. Best of luck.