Thursday, April 10, 2008

Looking back

I did a crazy thing this evening...I went back and read the blogs I wrote at this time last year. And I was truly surprised by what I read! The thing that struck me the most was that my attitude was so different than the way I write right now. I was upbeat, funny, hopeful...even when things weren't going my way. Now, when I write, I seem very technical...I did this many minutes, blah blah run felt good, blah blah blah. Where did the fun go?! Where is the enthusiasm I once held for this feat?!

Because, the honest truth is that I am totally excited for this! And I feel better and stronger and more mentally prepared for this than last year! So, my goal is to make that come through again in this blog. I'll have to start talking about how I almost yelled out the Wheel of Fortune answer while on the treadmill at the gym. Or the crazy guy that like to run and yell and wave his arms and look so crazy out of the corner of my eye that I almost fall off the treadmill when I have to run next to him. Yep, those are the things I'm going to have to talk about :)

And of course, that I ran 35 minutes today, my legs felt like lead, I hated about 2/3 of it, but I finished :)


Cheesehead Runner said...

I always want to yell out the answers to Wheel of Fortune when I'm on the treadmill as well!

Tim McLain said...

I just did the same as well. I went back a year to see what I was doing, checking my running log, etc. It's kind of like looking at someone else. I wonder if I can beat myself from lat year. . . . .