Sunday, April 06, 2008

Success feels so good!

It was a small one, but it feels great! I did every workout on my schedule last week and did it when it was supposed to be done. If that meant that I didn't get home until 10pm, that was fine. If it meant that I had to catch a cab to save me a little commute time, I did. If I was tired and hungry and it was the last thing in the world I wanted to do (as was the case yesterday), I did it anyway. I do not ever recall having this much resolve. It feels amazing!

Today is my 4 mile run. I haven't run this distance since the day of the marathon. I'm definitely nervous. And being that it is such an amazingly gorgeous day outside, I'm going to take advantage and try to run on the lake. That makes me nervous too since I've only been running on the treadmill. But, I know that when I done, I'm going to feel great!

The only barrier right now is that I went to a fundraiser last night that was put together by one of my coworkers for our Y-ME team this year. It was at a bar and even though I stuck to just 2 Coronas, I haven't drank in awhile and it still hit me. I'm feeling a little sluggish today already. I'm hoping it wears off by mid-afternoon and doesn't become an issue with my run. Fingers crossed!

Speaking of Y-ME, this is the 4th year my company has had a team. I'm the captain and put together lots of different fundraisers leading up to the walk. You should really check it out! Great cause...did you know that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer? That is a huge number! My grandmother died of breast cancer in 1998 so this one really hits home for me. Here is the Y-ME site: They are different in that they do not deal with research the way most of the breast cancer charity organizations do. Y-ME is for information and support of those that have breast cancer right now, those that don't have time for the research to pave the way.

My coworker raised over $1000 last night at her fundraiser! I am so incredibly proud of her! She is the reason I continue to be the captain of this team every year, even when my schedule gets crazy and I feel like I won't be able to pull it off. If you want to visit our site to check out our progress, make a donation, or just see our fundraising ideas, the site is:

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