Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Guess what I saw?

So, I'm out on my run tonight and I run east (as usual), but decide I'm going to try to go all the way to the lake. I run and run and run...straight into the Lincoln Park Zoo. Great. So, I start running north just to see where I end up. Just as I'm about to make the turn to head back west, I see something move out of the corner of my eye. I turn and there's camels! Right there. Eating and staring right at me.

Well, I'm not THAT into my training that I can't stop for a minute to wave at the camels! Okay, and maybe talk to them just a little bit...but only after looking around and making sure that no one caught me! Oh, no worries, they just kept eating and staring. So, I went on my merry way! I love that I'm getting a chance to explore the city on foot with my runs!

I'm sure my watch has to be lying to me because I had another great run! 4.96 miles in 50 minutes. Ran just over a 10 min/mile pace again. This just can't be right. It can't be. But, you know, I'll take it!


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Sometimes I see... bunnies? Oh and the evil squirrels who stare you down in the path.

Anonymous said...

good work sis!!!! Although, I am surprised U didnt try to take the camels with