Monday, June 09, 2008

Reality Bites

And that reality is that summer has hit Chicago and it's not going away any time soon! Remember those easy 8 miles I was talking about? Yeah...that didn't happen. That may have been the absolutely worst run since I started this year!

I got out there a little after 8am...I know, I know...I shoulda been out there at 6am and saved myself, but you know me in the morning! Just 2 miles in I knew I was in for bad things. I already was sweating a ton and my legs felt very fatigued. I stopped at every water fountain and spent at least a minute standing there trying to convince myself to go on. I did make it all the way out, turned around and about halfway back I decided I couldn't do it anymore. I was too hot and too tired. I clocked 6.25 miles, but I was very disappointed in myself.

As I did the walk of shame for 2 miles back to the car, I watched everyone else running and just kept kicking myself for giving up. When I got back home and saw that the heat index was over 90 degrees, I did feel slightly more positive about my having given in. Still, it was a disappointing run. Please let the weather gods give me a break for the big 13.1 this coming weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So U HAH training (HOT AS HELL) training is killin me too.

I feel sluggish and out of shape...

Just keep after it!!!