Tuesday, April 22, 2008


That was my average pace for my 35 minute run tonight! I realize this is nothing special for the majority of you, but to me this is huge! Not only am I doing better than I even remotely expected, but I'm also proving that I am the shizznit of running!!! Yeah! :p

Okay, back to reality! Seriously, I couldn't be happier with how things are going. For those of you that followed me through last year's ups and downs, I hope you can see how different this year is going. I'm excited and motivated and actually doing the damn thing! My 405 is making it even more fun cuz its giving me something to work for. If only I could figure out how to post some of the data on here...hmmm...

Running on the streets seems harder than the lake front. Not sure why. Maybe its just the cruelty of the concrete. And the curb jumping. And the dog poop dodging. Maybe. The pace calculating on the watch while I was running was WAY off. Therefore, I had no idea I was going as fast as I was until it would beep that I'd clocked a mile. The satellites must not reach Bucktown and Roscoe Village :p Yeah, I ran north tonight which is something I have NEVER done. Yes, believe it or not, I always run south and east. It was fun. Roscoe has a ton of cute little shops and eats. Might have to check those out some time. All this time I've been so close and never knew!

Back to running. I did clock a good time for me, but I also felt pooped by the end. So, tomorrow's 50 minute run will have to be at a slightly slower pace...although since the dang pace doesn't work, how I will work that out, I can't tell ya! You know, I've never known what it was like to not dread my runs :) This is an amazing turn of events. Somewhere pigs are flying. I'm sure of it. So, I'm actually hyped for tomorrow night because I want to see if I can slow it down and make those 50 minutes feel as good as my 6-miler did. Fingers crossed...


NICOLE said...

Awesome job. I would be happy with that pace! nice job. And, you have a 405 - I'm so jealous.

Anonymous said...

I am pleasantly amazed at your running here lately. You're gonna do great in the marathons later this year!!!